Part 1 - New school

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Your POV:

Tomorrow is the first day of school. I just finish unpacking my things because I also moved houses. Now I'm on my couch. It's 6 pm and I'm tired. So I decided to sleep.

My alarm went off and it's 7 in the morning. I wake up and do my morning routine. I go to the kitchen and make myself some eggs. Then I leave for school in my car.

At school:

I arrived at school and saw a few eyes on me.

Y/n: "New school seems ok so far."

I walk inside the school and look around to find the office. While I was walking I bump into someone and fell.

Y/n: "Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking."

I looked up and see a young handsome man.

???: "Oh it's alright. You seem new."

Namjoon: My name is Namjoon.

Y/n: "Nice to meet you Namjoon I'm Y/n. Do mind showing me where the principal office is?"

Namjoon: "Oh yes follow me."

I was following Namjoon until we reach the office and then he left to his class. I walked in the office and got my schedule. Then left to find my first class. My first class was science. I walked in the class and the teacher told me to introduce myself.

Y/n: "Hello my name is Lee Y/n. Nice to meet you all" I said with a smile.

The teacher then told me to sit next beside this kid name Taehyung.

Taehyung: "Hi I'm Taehyung" he said and smiled at me.

Y/n: "Nice to meet you Taehyung" I smiled back.

The teacher was teaching about the DNA in our blood. I wasn't interested in what he said. Only because I know everything I need to know about the dna and blood of humans witches and vampires.

Science class finished and now it's time for my next class math.
As I entered the class the teacher told me to introduce myself. Once I did I noticed Namjoon. Namjoon notice me as well and we both smiled at each other. The teacher then told me to sit between Namjoon and this guy name Jin.

Namjoon: "Hi Y/n nice to see you again."

Y/n: "Nice to see you too Namjoon."

Namjoon: "Y/n this is one of my friends Jin."

Jin: "Hello Y/n nice to meet you."

Y/n: "Hi Jin Nice to meet you too." I said and we both smiled at each other.

Class went by fast and now it's time for lunch. I was walking to the cafeteria and grabbed my lunch. I looked around hoping to find an empty table I could sit at.

Taehyung: "Y/n over here."

I looked walked over to where Taehyung had called me and saw Taehyung with Namjoon Jin and 4 other handsome guys.

Namjoon: "Y/n sit beside me."

Y/n: "Okay."

I sat beside Namjoon and this guy I still don't know the name of.

Taehyung: "Ah Y/n I forgot to introduce to the rest of the gang. Y/n this is Yoongi." He said pointing to the guy beside him and Namjoon. "This is Jimin." Pointing to the guy beside Him and Jin. "This is Hoseok." Pointing to the guy beside Jin. "And this is Jungkook." He said pointing to the guy beside Hoseok and me.
(You don't know how long it took me to figure this out)

I looked at him and he was a bit more handsome than the rest of the guys but I remembered I can't like him because he's a human. And that I have to make keeping my secret easy.

———————End of part 1———————

THANK YOU! To everyone reading this Wattpad story. This is my first Wattpad story. I really hope you enjoy it and please if you can follow my social media's:

Twitter: oh_my_heartue

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