jeremy x micheal x reader

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jeremy and micheal walk into the school. they kiss like always.  "fuck you." i mutter to myself. they walk up to me and they kiss right in front of my face. 'hi (y/n)" mikeal says tauntingly. "hlelo michelle." i say. "hi." jerreemyyy says to me. 'hi." "we should kiss." micehalle says to jeremy. jeremy nods and kisssssssssssssssssssssssssesssssssssssssss micheal like smoosh msooh i love u mecheal jeremy says. you run away sobibng how could they do this toy uo?

"why are they like this." you sob to christine. 'id ont know,." chrisstine says, shrurgigng. she obviously doesnt care about ju or ur felings so u get a sword out of her vagenena snaf u slit her throat. she dies in ur arms and u laff evilly. (XD IM so evil XDDDDDDDDDD) 

jake approaches u. "hey hottie.' jake says. "hi ugly." u grab a knife out of ur arse. "why." jake pleads. u stab him in the eyes and then the didckck. he dies.  "bcuz u fugly... btichh." you say walking away laughi,g

"i need mountain dew red!" rich screams runnign throgu the school. "i need michealealealeal and jeremy ot love me u dickwad." u grab a gun out of ur ear. u shoot rich in the head. "loesr" u say to rich. you run through the hallway.

"omg (Y/N) did yu ehar" jenna says. "is it about boyf riends>" i ask "yes." she sais. "what" i say simply. "they have problems, just dig in to them and u can break them up easily." i laugh with glee. "YEET!" i say running down the hallway with my arms failailing.

i go to class. i sit down netxt to myquil. "hi (y/n)" he says. "jeremy said ur ugly and u suck ugly cick ur own hahha he added the laff specifically." i say. "no.' mickey screas. he runs away sobbing. uc an hear thekm breaking up froem the halways. boyf riends has roekn up thanx to u.

TO BE CONTINUED uwuuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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