The Killer is not me...

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 You know those days that from the moment you open your eyes, you know that you shouldn't get up and instead you should just forget you have to pay any bills or just live life and should just turn over and go right back to that girl you were dreaming about ... yeah well today is that kind of day, in fact, every day is that kind of day, except Fridays because on Fridays you get to yell at everyone before you leave ' that you're going to have the best weekend and you'll be too busy having fun to make any plans with anyone else.' But the real fun is that you are the only one who knows you will open the front door and just strip on the way to your room and just flop down on this hard cheap bed you had no choice to get because it was on sale, and just knock out. Yeah, your life is boring if not full of embarrassment. You're an awkward person and you can't help it. 

You wake up to the sound of banging coming from your front door. You groan because your alarm clock in your darkroom reads 6:00 am. You must have gotten home at 4 and took a shower and only got an hour of sleep. Before you get up you promise that you will never take the night shift again. You put on your slippers because you have always been self-conscious about your feet ever since you were a child, something to do with your pinky toe actually looking exactly like your pinky finger. You walk downstairs to the door on which the banging continued. You look through the peephole because well... you aren't stupid. When you lean toward the peephole you freeze and think to yourself what are they doing here? On the other side of the door, the police stand there taking note of their surroundings. They also take note of you hugging your robe tighter around your body as the draft from the dingy apartment hallways welcomes itself inside when you open the door."Hello, officer, is something wrong?" you think to yourself of course something is wrong, you dimwit, otherwise they wouldn't be standing in your doorway! But it doesn't stop there. "Obviously you're standing there for a good reason no one wants to be up working at 6 am, unless someone died." The police stare at you as you swallow down a panic attack ready to happen. "I hope that's not the case," you say as you wave them to come in. Instead of coming in they step toward you and handcuff you as they speak for the first time.

"You have the right to remain silent anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of" Their voices fade away, as you stand there up against the door, staring at the hallway's yellow wallpaper. 

Now you're in the police station being interrogated for something you don't know anything about. Until they show you the picture of a girl with blood haloing around her head.

The weekend before the arrest...

You're at work feeling miserable because on Friday you said you were going to have the time of your life but its Sunday and they called you in. Who wouldn't take up the offer to make more money? Its 12 am and a girl with pink hair walks through the door. Something in you takes an interest in her and she's staring back as she grabs a few things off the shelves and walks to your cashier. "Your eyes are beautiful," she says to you, and your heart starts to dance around trying to give you a heart attack.

"Thanks, I like your shoulder, I mean your hair!" you screamed the last part. It's not your fault though, your mother said even coming out of the womb you didn't know if you should cry or laugh. You were born to be weird. The girl laughs and you feel a rush of sadness come through you. The girl asks if you want to come to her place after your shift. You say that you don't hang out at night because you're afraid of the dark. She giggles at that, not taking you as seriously as she should and persists until you agree.

Later that night... 

Her blood-curdling scream could be heard in Mexico if it were possible. "You said you liked the color red," you said with the first smile you've had the entire night you both were together.

"This is not red!" you started to laugh even more at her horrified expression. "Now you smile, the entire night I was trying to get you to smile and you crack up at my ruined hair? This is purple!" she says as she leans into the mirror some more.

"I like it. Much better than pink, it makes you look almost mature." You say as you try not to laugh at the look she's giving you. After she takes her multiple showers as an attempt to wash out the color as much as she could, both of you are in her bed making out. clothes come off and you get nervous. "No, keep the socks on." You whisper, she pauses.

"I want them off. So they come off!" you beg but she's persistent and you agree to do so only if the lights are off. You swear you sound like a little boy. She laughs and starts tickling you and next thing you both know you are leaving her house with one sock on your foot and shaky palms.

At the Police station...

"Your sock was found around her neck," the officer says calmly.

"I didn't kill her" 

"Oh yeah? Your name was written on the inside of that sock!" he has a serious expression now, an angry vibe runs through you and you roll your neck.

"I didn't do it!"

"Then who did?! Huh? Cause we have a lot more evidence than just a sock that your mother took her precious time to write your name in!" the officer screamed in your face.

"If I tell you I'm afraid she will kill you." the officer's face turned red, and he started to crack his knuckles.

"Try me. Who will kill me? Who killed this half-naked girl?!" the lights start to flicker, and you started to shake in fear. You don't want anyone else to die just because they've talked you. You could hear her laugh, it was loud to you, only for you to hear, but this time the officer could hear it too.

"She's here," you whispered. Ever since elementary school, she has been your little secret. Ever since elementary you've been afraid of what she might do and who she might do it too. You should be used to it by now but she still scares you. The officer leaned closer. 

"Who is here? Who is she?" the lights flicker off and all you can hear is your panicking breath being drowned out by the screams from the other officers in the police station. The door could be heard bursting open but you still couldn't see through the pitch black. "What was that?" The officer asks with a quivering voice. It's quiet now.

"You should be afraid, she won't hurt me but she will hurt you!"

"Who?!" the officer screamed. A piercing scream slices through the air before she whispers,

"His shadow."

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