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...I'm really bad at expressing myself so I'm glad I was given time to sort out and pen down my thoughts.

"Are you nervous?"

"...No." A lie. My hands haven't stopped shaking since this morning.

Jin sees right through my lie, though. He smirks and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "It's okay to be nervous. This is a pretty big step."

I glare at him. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

Jin laughs and pats me heavily on my back, earning him another glare. "I thought you said you're not feeling nervous?"

I roll my eyes at him and look down at my hands still shaking on my lap. There was a beat of silence before Jin speaks up again, this time more seriously.

"Jennie is crazy in love with you. She's not going to change her mind about marrying you if that's what's been running through your head. As for marriage... it is a big step. A big change. But you love her, don't you?"

I give him an incredulous look. "Would I be here if I didn't?"

"Exactly," Jin grins. "As long as you love and support each other, you'll both be fine."

Let me start by saying I love you. I love you and everything about you- your eyes, your cute nose, your sweet gummy smile... your passion for music, your voice, your never-ending support for me in creating music, your kindness... even your natural aegyo.

The garden is filled with guests, already milling about and waiting for the ceremony to start. The crowd makes me a bit nervous even though I've performed in front of thousands before. My shaking hands itch to find something to do and I almost fiddle with my bowtie before Jin, who is standing by my side as my best man, casually slaps my hand away from said object which he already fixed for me earlier. At the front row seats, I see my five other brothers snickering which earned them a glare from me.

I distract myself by looking at the venue and all the arrangement. I had not much part in the planning of my own wedding aside from working out the date and getting the black tux I wanted (with Jennie's approval first, of course) so everything has pretty much been a surprise for me.

There are several varieties of flowers in full bloom all around us but I can see that Jennie has chosen white lilies to be decorated around the place. I'm not sure if she chose this because she knows my favorite colour is white, but I like it all the same.

Jennie's dress is white. I haven't seen it but I'm sure she'll look very beautiful in it. To me, there's never a time when I didn't find her beautiful.

You saved me, Jen. Because of that, I vow to always love and support you, and be there for you to laugh and cry with. I want to spend the rest of my life waking up next to you and my days with you by my side.

The wedding coordinator comes up to inform us that the bride has arrived and the ceremony will be starting soon. I clear my throat, smooth down my jacket and take a deep breath.

Those who are part of the entourage file out one by one. Jin gives one last encouraging pat on my back before joining them. Standing alone near the altar, I can feel my heart thundering inside my chest. It's not exactly just nervousness. There's also excitement in thinking about starting our new life together.

My parents catch my eyes and they're both wearing proud and happy smiles on their faces. I give them a small grateful smile in return and bow respectfully.

When the music starts to play, my heart starts beating erratically. I didn't realize I've been holding my breath at the last moment waiting to see Jennie appear above the staircase until Jin, who has marched back to my side, subtly squeezes my elbow.

I take another deep breath.

The balcony doors open and Jennie steps into view.

'Without you, I am nothing... So don't let go of my hand, because I won't let you go... until the end of my days.'

I love you, Jennie Kim.

"I do."

A/N: This has been sitting on my phone storage for months. Thought I'd share it with those who like much fluff. <3

Images from Pinterest and Olive Juice Studios.

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