
14 3 4

I have a list

Its called for you and for me

One day I made it up

I made the con's and pro's

There were both

But I don't care what's on there

Cause your you

That's all that matters

I love you for you not for me

Its not cause I'm this desperate little slut

I'm not like that

I love you for you

Your my family

And I don't want to lose you

I love you all

Please NEVER say sorry

Unless its really your fault

You shouldn't be sorry for you

For your mistakes

We only need 3 things

Family, you and me and music

That's it

If we stick together

We should be fine

Just stay strong and

Be yourself

Find your inner self and be proud

Cause I am,

Don't think about the devils below,

Cause the angels helped me out of the devils,

The devils are the peasants not the queen or kings

Don't listen to them you have me and I have you

You don't need red little daggers in your ear

You need white fluffy angles,

Like I need you

I love you <33

By DontxLetxGo if you use this please give credit?

Twitter: @1D_hazzanialler

Instagram: @x_becky6102_x

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