3. Rogue

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Bright sunlight shone through the slits of the vertical blinds in Adeline's room. Popping open a single eyelid, Hunter watched as his mate continued to sleep, oblivious to the bright lights peeking in through the windows.

Cupping one of her cheeks with his hand, he felt her lean into it subconsciously as he smiled at her reaction to his touch.

She snuggled further into his chest, effectively severing the attachment with his hand. Pressing a light kiss to her forehead, he pulled her body firm against his once more.

He groaned as one of her legs became entangled in his causing her thigh brush up against the throbbing erection he had woken up with. He would need a cold shower if she kept moving in her sleep this way.

Looking over to the alarm clock that was placed on her bedside table, he saw that it was just after 9:00 AM. He decided to wake up his little mate with several sweet kisses to her lips.

Normally, Adeline was an early riser, but she had been out late the previous night and the suddenness of finding her mate patrolling her borders had her mind reeling to the point of exhaustion.

As she lay in that strange state between being awake and being asleep, she shifted her leg and heard a low groan. Moments later, light kisses were being peppered on her lips. Her eyes fluttered awake and a soft smile lit upon her face.

"Good morning," she said lazily to her mate who was looking on her in utter adoration.

"Morning, Love," he said before dropping another kiss on her lips.

"If I could wake up this way every day, I would take hundreds of naps a year," she said as she stretched her arms a bit. Miraculously, she hadn't shifted much in the night, though her legs had somehow become entwined between his. Moving her leg out from between them, her thigh brushed once again against his erection and he fought with stifling his groan.

As she felt him stiffen even further, she spoke out loud.

"Do you need some help with that?" she asked boldly. Hunter blinked several times, not understanding her at first.

"Uh- what?" he asked, not quite believing what he was hearing.

She cupped his dick through his boxers, the tip of it poking out the top band like a phallic jack in the box.

"This," She gripped him through the thin boxers that he was threatening to break with his turgid length. Her hand crept through the open flap of the material and she traced a single finger down his length.

She was impressed. If she had to guess, he was at least 9 and a half inches long with a girth of at least 3 inches wide. She said a silent prayer that he wouldn't split her in two when they finally mated.

"Fuck," Hunter gritted out as she teased his entire length with one soft finger. "Baby, if you keep doing that, I don't think the coldest shower in the world will help me get it down."

Adeline surprised even herself when she dipped her hand into the waistband of his boxers and wrapped her hand around his length. She couldn't get her fingers all the way around him- not by a long shot- but she twisted his shaft as she stroked him slowly, working up and down his full length as he groaned softly in her ear.

"Baby- damn that feels good," he groaned out at her and she felt herself moisten between her legs.

Adeline could feel a warm drop of pre-cum at his tip and she placed her thumb on it, swirling it around as his hips started to move of their own accord.

He jerked his hips in her grasp, increasing the friction against his ever stiffening cock, making him come closer to completion.

Cursing quietly, Hunter felt as Adeline started to stroke him faster and he could feel his testicles become tighter against his skin as she pumped up and down his length with more conviction.

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