pass the dutchie

633 15 18

desc: "god", brendon breathed, a lazy smile on his face, "i feel like i'm king of the clouds."

rating: nc-17

word count: 5,162

in which i get really high and write smut. love u xxx (ps: might be my favorite oneshot yet. that should say something;))))
(pps: i'm gonna start putting the word counts in now, just so you know what you're getting yourself into❤️)


Ryan already knew what the outcome of the night was going to be when the band's bus pulled into the 7-11 at 12 in the morning.

They had just finished a show not even two hours ago, all worn out and exhausted, and to be honest, he was just about ready to fall the fuck asleep, but of course his hippie fucking friends had other plans. He's not really all that mad about it because he'd probably sleep better, but the process was so annoying that sometimes he'd rather not go through the trouble.

It was Brendon's idea, that little fucker, he always finds some way to get drugs into his system, whether it's weed or mushrooms, or some other shit like that. Brendon had always been fascinated with the way they could alter your mind, and Ryan strongly agrees, because really, drugs make you feel things you could never think of in your wildest dreams, and they help you open your mind. Hell, their most recent album had been written when they were on more psychedelics than humanly possible.

Brendon was giddy and bouncing in his seat as the bus parked in the lot, and the first to speak up. "So," He began, clapping his hands together like he was about to plot something, sliding out of his seat, "can we get the pineapple dutches? Or - ooh! How 'bout white grape? No, actually, wait. I want the pineapple. Or - do I want white grape..? No. Pineapple."

"It's a group decision." Jon muttered from the front of the bus. They had all given him the fate of having to drive that night, which Ryan found really unfortunate, partly because Jon was going to have to drive completely blazed, but also because he'd have to deal with Brendon's constant pot giggle and the fact that Spencer always got the munchies to an unhealthy extent, and the whole ordeal really just made Jon want to take a nap and not have to wake up to bullshit. But he guesses everything is okay, because if there's one thing Ryan knows, it's that Jon Walker has never paid for drugs in his life, and probably never will, because his friends will always do that for him, and maybe driving didn't seem as bad anymore.

"Sorry, who paid for the weed?" Brendon asked sarcastically and let the silence ring around the room, because yes, of course Brendon paid for it, it's usually either him or Spencer, and sometimes Ryan will chip in, but for the most part, it's always him. It felt good to rub it in Jon's dumb fucking face, to see the look of annoyance cross his features as he rolled his eyes and sat back, sighing.

"Yes, fine," Jon rubbed a hand down his face, "we will get the pineapple dutches. Who's coming with me?"

"I'll go," Spencer said, already standing up to walk towards Jon, "anything to get away from Mr. ADHD over here." he teased, and yeah, Brendon figures he deserved that. Ryan giggled at the joke and poked Brendon's side, the singer letting out a noise of surprise in response, his entire body snapping to get away from Ryan's hand for a second, which made Ryan giggle even more.

"Mean," Brendon pouted as his bandmates exited the vehicle on their quest for wraps, immediately looking over at Ryan, sitting back down next to him, "hey, Ry?" He smirked, biting his lip and looking out the window. Jon and Spencer always took forever. They would probably be in there for about five, ten minutes - it was routine, Jon would take forever to pick a snack and just end up getting way too many, and Spencer would inevitably forget what kind of dutches to get, leaving Jon with all the responsibility. It was perfect.

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