Chapter 3

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                  ***Joey's POV***

When Crystle opened the door she looked like she was going to die. I couldn't help myself but giggle a little.  Shane elbowed me in the side to get me to stop. He then spoke up.

Shane: Sooo...are you just stand there lookig like you just died or invite us in?

She snapped ot of her trance then answered Shane.

Crystle: Uh. Sorry, I didn't know you would be coming here. Come in, sorry for the mess I was just getting ready. 

Joey: It's fine. So I've heard that you have sorta had a bad life?

Crystle: Yeah.  It use to be terrible, but one day I was on YouTube and I saw one of Shane's videos so I went to his channel and watched the most recent one of a collab with you and I followed twitter and once he followed me back I messaged him.

Shane: She is the one that helped me build up the guts to come out with you after she messaged me.

Joey: So Crystle,  If you don't mind me asking how long have you been here and what exactly all happened to you? 

Crystle: Well  I have been here for 16 years, so my whole life. When I was born my mom didn't want me since I was a rape baby and she couldn't stand the thought of that. So after I was born she just left. Then when I was 13 she came here to try to explain why she didn't want me or ever will. After that I was depressed,  I started cutting.  Then I started making myself throwup because everyone here was bullying me calling me fat, ugly, worthless and anything you could think of. At this same point in time I was figuring out who I was and that I was in love with my bestfriend.  I told her on my 15th birthday and we got together that day. Three months later we came out together. She helped me with the bullying and got me to stop making myself throwup. Then I started watching your guy's videos and they really helped me. I finally stopoed cutting 1 month before my 2

16th birthday an I have been clean ever since. But in 1 month and a week before my birthday Troye and Tyler are coming back to get Ashley. I'm sure that once she is gone the bullying will start up again. She is the only person I have and I love her with all my heart. I'm seriously dreading the day she leaves.


I already have 7 views!  I didn't th8nk anyone would read this!  But what do you guys think about this chapter?  What do you think is goi g to happen next? Leave some of your thoughts in the comments and any suggestions for the book.

The next chapter is filled with a bunch of shoey goodness and so are te next couple.

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