↳ r. lupin

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It was a lazy Saturday evening at Hogwarts. The Marauders were all sat in their dorm, with the addition of Remus' Hufflepuff friend (Y/N).

The three, Sirius, James and Peter, were all crowded around the Marauders Map, sitting on the floor by the window. Every boy too engrossed to pay any attention to the two students studying on one of the beds.

"So- you said that you were having trouble with Charms?" Remus asked.

(Y/N) nodded in reply, searching through her satchel for the charms textbook. "Uh, yeah actually. I'm just not good at the like wand movements, you know?"

"Yeah I understand." Remus replied, "What spell or spells, are you having trouble with?"

(Y/N) shrugged, "I- um, I'm not sure. I just know that if I get another 'T' in that class my parents will send me to Azkaban."

The Lupin boy chuckled, "Alright," he paused, noticing that (Y/N) was still rummaging through her brown leather bag, searching for the textbook. "Do you not have your book? We could just use mine..."

The girl sighed, vigorously shaking her head, "No no it's fine. I guess I left it in my dorm. Do you mind if I run and get it? I promise I won't take long."

She flashed Remus a small smile and the brunette returned it, "Sure, take your time (Y/N), I've got all day."

The Hufflepuff girl thanked him and then sped out the room door, heading down to the Hufflepuff common room.

Remus' eyes lingered on the door frame as he smiled to himself. Unbeknownst to the other Marauders, the Lupin boy had developed a small crush on her throughout their years at Hogwarts.

"Where'd your girlfriend go, Moony?" A voice said, interrupting his thoughts.

Remus rolled his eyes, facing Sirius, "She's not my girlfriend. I'm just helping her pass Charms, Alright?"

Sirius laughed, standing up from his place on the floor, "Not your girlfriend, eh?" He smirked at the taller boy, "Shame. She's quite pretty though, it'd be a pity if she got swept off her feet by some other Gryffindor."

Remus raised his eyebrow at Sirius, "What's that supposed to mean?"

The raven haired boy leaned against the bed post casually, "Nothing. I'm just saying that if you fancy her, you should go for it. Ask her out- and not on a study date."

Remus once again rolled his eyes at Sirius, "I've already told you, Padfoot, I have no feelings for her outside of friendship, Alright?"

"I mean I don't believe you," Sirius said, "But I won't pressure you into confessing."

"Just make a move Rem," James now joined the conversation, "Merlin knows how long it took me to get Evans to crack, just take her to Honeydukes next Hogsmeade trip."

Remus shrugged, "I guess that's not such a bad idea..." he trailed off, focusing back onto organising his work.

The other three marauders also refocused on the map, attention completely diverted from the Hufflepuff that was just there.

⁂ ⁂ ⁂

(Y/N) walked out from the portrait, leaving the West tower.

She ran down the moving stairs, apologising to every student she bumped into.

Racing into the dungeons to get to the staircase to her common room, (Y/N) slowed her pace as she heard a set of footsteps coming from behind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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