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I guess I was 5 when it started... when I started seeing things. I would be one place, and I would see another. I'd ask my mother why it was snowing, and she'd tell me that we were out by the pool under the sun.

I didn't know what to think of myself then. I thought that everyone was like me. They saw different things too. But the older I got, the more I understood that I wasn't normal.

Step 1: middle school. Otherwise known as a raging, hormonal hell hole. I didn't have friends. No one wanted to associate with the girl who saw things. Or felt hot and started sweating in the middle of winter.

I was bullied, by everyone. Even my teachers thought I was weird. I only ever got along with our librarian. She let me stay after school to read. I enjoyed her company too. She treated me like I was a real person, unlike everyone else.

My three years passed, and I had read every book in the library. I had endless conversations with our librarian, but I never told her... that I saw things. I didn't want her to treat me differently. But I guess it didn't matter anyway.

Step 2: high school. If I can't get along with anyone in middle school, then surely I'm screwed. Actually wrong. Transfer student. We tolerated each other. I messed up our partner project, so we weren't friends by any means. I barely made it to acquaintances.

All through high school, my visions got worse. I'd see things more often, and I could interact with things. One time, I saw a tree. I reached up to touch the leaves, and I felt it- the leaves.

More interactive visions came. More images I was uncomfortable seeing came too. It was like my personal way to invade privacy. But privacy I wanted to stay private.

My senior year of high school, my visions got really bad. I couldn't concentrate in class because I would always hear someone else's voice, but I could never understand it. It's like it was a different language.

My grades suffered because of my visions. My parents were always in denial about my visions. They said they were just daydreams. Daydreams are controllable, my visions were not.

Around Christmas, my parents pulled me from school. I graduated with enough credits; I was only going to school to prepare for college. They told me that I would be going to a new school that was far away. They also told me that we couldn't tour the campus, I would just show up on the first day.

I was stupid to think that I was actually going to a new school. The place they sent me- it's more of a hell then school was. No one treats me like I have rights. They study my brain every once in awhile, but I don't know what they actually do; I'm always asleep.

My parents never call, so I got very depressed when I came here, or I guess when I was forced to come here. I refused to eat or drink anything. I sat in my bed all day, looking up at the ceiling. When I would get a vision, I would be so happy. They were like my escape.

I never wanted my parents to send me to a mental hospital. I never wanted them to think I was crazy. I never wanted to upset them. But you can't always get what you want, right?

I think I might go crazy from just being here. Everything is too plain. White bed, white sheets, white clothes, white everything. If I ever get out of here, nothing I own will be white.

When I get visions, I can't help but wonder what is giving them to me. Am I an alien? Can I communicate with other alien species? Oh, I have it! I have a superpower?

I can never figure it out. But neither can my doctors. I've been here for 2 years, being studied. Many people have come to talk to me. And I just tell them all the same thing. My visions aren't controllable. If they were, I wouldn't be here right now.

So, here I am. I'm looking at my face in the mirror of my bathroom. I didn't cause any trouble the first year of me staying here, so they moved me to a room with a mirror in the bathroom.

My cheekbones are easily noticeable, and my skin gives off a grey tone. I splash my face with some cold water. Grabbing a towel, I dry my face.

When I look back in the mirror, I'm met with the image of someone else- a man. He looks tall, taller than me. His brown hair barely touches his eyebrows.

He smiles a little, revealing the dimples on his cheeks. His skin glows with the light that isn't in my bathroom. I'm not sure where the light is.

His brown eyes gaze into mine. He looks afraid. Understandable. I look dead.

Just so he knows I'm not a walking corpse, I move some of my hair behind my ear. He seems to be surprised.

My senses concentrate more on him. Is he in my vision? I've never seen a person before in them.

His lips start to move. "H-Hi," I hear a deep voice say in my head.

My eyes widen. I can hear him? Has that been him talking this whole time in gibberish I can't understand?

"Who are you?" I ask out of curiosity.

His eyes widen in return. He looks left and right. He leans into the mirror and asks, "You can hear me too?!"

(A/N): annyeong !! this is my new fanfic telepathy !! i hope you enjoy reading it as much as im enjoying writing it ! this particular fanfic will be updated on fridays with another one of my fanfics called please dont go

if this is your first time reading one of my fanfics, i would really appreciate it if you could check out my other ones. at the moment, they are please dont go (a jimin fanfic), only you (a jin fanfic), and dance academy (a jungkook fanfic) with many more in the works !!

like i say in all my fanfics, if you liked this chapter of telepathy, please vote !! if you have any suggestions for future chapters or other works, feel free to comment them. also, if you have any questions for me or the characters, dont hesitate to comment those too !

i think that's all i have for today :)

bye lovessss - until next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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