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Melanie's POV
As I tried my best to walk down the stairs I began to walk to the door just before Brendon stopped me. "Look Brendon I...I have to go" I said loosening his grip on my wrist "Is visiting Josh really that important? I took care of you after....AFTER YOU TWO HOOKED UP IN MY ROOM! And yet you decided it was funny to tell me you loved me. What, did you think I was Josh? Am I not good enough?! said Brendon tears streaming down his cheeks, I had never seen him like this before he seemed different, like he had been keeping these feelings in for the longest time and just now was he truly expressing himself. I didn't know what to say, I saw a boy who had always seemed so confident and flirty break down right in front of me. "am...am I not good enough?" He asked again falling to his knees. I stood there unable to move, I felt horrible, I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I was confused, I didn't know what to do. "Bre-" I tried to speak but there was a lump in my throat that I couldn't over come. The one thing I knew how to do best was run, run away from my problems instead of facing them, I don't know what I was so afraid of, was I just going to leave Brendon there? A crying mess, broken, his mind going crazy. My legs started moving without my knowledge, I ran down the stairs and out the front door it was still raining and I was getting drenched in the rain, I didn't know where I was running to but I just kept running, and I never looked back.

Josh's POV
I had been getting flash backs of last night all day, I couldn't get the thought out of my head. Right when Melanie and I were in the middle of doing "It" we heard loud knocks on the door, I cleaned her and myself up, gave her my shirt and opened the door. I saw a worried Tyler and Troye standing outside the door, I closed the door and stepped into the hallway and talked with Tyler and Troye. They kept explaining how we needed to go and how mad Brendon would be but I couldn't focus, all I could think about was Melanie's soft lips against mine. When we kissed it felt so natural and sweet, it wasn't forced but I still felt the passion. I popped out of my daydream when I noticed a shadow at the end of the hallway, it was Brendon, he heard the whole thing. He knew. Tyler and Troye followed my gaze and saw Brendon at the end of the hallway. "H-Hey Brendon" said Troye, Brendon walked past us without saying a word, he simply opened his bedroom to find a sleeping Melanie cuddled up in his sheets. He closed the door walked passed us and said "let her sleep" and went back downstairs without another word. I decided I couldn't stay home all day and think about this so I decided to grab my umbrella and go for a walk. My favorite place to think was the nearby park, there were big cherry blossom trees and a small pond full of coy fish. As I walked on the wet grass towards one of the roofed areas I saw a girl crying. As I walked closer I realized it was Melanie, she was sitting on one of the benches staring out into the rain crying. "Mel?" I said as I dropped my umbrella and ran over to her,she turned her head and seemed shocked to see me. I could see the pain in her eyes, her face was red and her eyes were puffy, she must've been crying for a long time.

Melanie's POV
I was getting tired, I needed to rest and think about everything I'd done other then run away. I started to recognize the area I was in and I walked over to the near by park. No one was in sight due to the harsh weather, so I went under one of the seated roofed areas and sat on a bench. I was cold, wet, confused, and alone. I felt helpless. I just sat there letting the sound of the rain hitting against the concrete drown out the sound of my tears. As I was beginning to loose myself in my thoughts, I heard a voice, a voice so similar call out my name (just picture Call Out My Name by The Weeknd playing rn, ah makes me wanna cry, that song hits too close to home... anyways) As I turned around I saw Josh standing right in-front of me, I couldn't react I just stared at him and all I could see were his brown eyes and all I could hear was the sound of rain drops trickling around us.

Heyyyy guys, da bihh is back! I was having some trouble posting this chapter, Bc if I posted this one that means I'm going to have to post the next one which is basically a part 2 of this chapter. The next chapter has to do with very personal experiences so it may take me a while to write the story....
Thanks for being patient💙💙💙

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