Chapter 5

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Normal Pov

The unblinking killer nocked on the large dark wooden door. The little elf boy wiggeled in the unblinking killer's arms that was place furmaly on the elf's wrist. As well the hooded killers are hiding be hind them as if the owner of the house will kill them.

Slowly the large dark wooden doors opened to show a very happy, colorful and tall man. 

"Well hello friends!" The man said "Come in please"

"Well thanks Slpendy" The unblinking killer said "Hope you don't mind us staying here for a while?"

"Oh not at all stay as long as you want"

"Yeah thanks" The little elf boy said

"Ben lets find a room for us"

"W-what a-abot u-us?" one of the hooded killers said

"Your bunking with Masky and no running away Hoodie"


Jeff's Pov

What the fuck is Hoodie doing? Ever since yesterday he has been acking even weird around Masky and following me around even more its getting annoying! And since Slendy pulled my cute little Ben out of my arms and yelled at him for harmliss fun I need to know if he loves me or not.

"Well look who is here Slender's little proxys" a dark harsh voice said

I turn my head to see Zalgo the most hated king in underworld was sitting on the old black couch that Slendy gave Slpendy. "Well why the mighty king of underworld here on the couch drunk like fuck" I laughed.

"I see that Slender hasn't taght you some manners yet"

"Yeah well I could care less about you and Slendy"

"'Slendy'" Zalgo cried

"Whats wrong lord Zalgo?" Masky asked

"Slender is whats the matter it seems he wount lison to me at all"

"Well thats Slender a stick up his ass type of guy" I said trying to make a joke "So you guys have it rufe hun?"

"Yes Jefferey me and Slender are unable to make anythink work and your relationship is not for the faint of heart"

I cringed at the name 'Jefferey' then walked away which was probly the best. I dreged Ben down the hall where many rooms line. It seem like for ever to find a damn room until we came to a snow white door.

Ben's Pov

We walked until we came to a snow white door then Jeff open the door to show a one bed in the middle a dark wooden dresser on the right and on the left the bathroom door.

"One bed oh well I'll go find my own room" I said

"Oh not that fast Ben we can share I wont mind" Jeff said dreging me in the room


He quickly close the door and pin me to the wall, I could fell my face heat up as he lean in.

"J-jeff w-wh-" I beging to say until his lips smashed on to mine we didn't break until we needed air.

"W-what are you-?" this time when he kissed me it was more pastionet then the last. When he pulled away he wishpered "I love you Ben....Do you love me?"

I was unable to say anything then I felt teirs poring down my face. Jeff on the other hand was worried "Ben are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"Because I...I l-love you too" I said jumping in to Jeff's arms.

"Will you go out with me?"


That night I cudlle up to Jeff I was to happy but what are going to do when we have to get back to Slender's home?

My mind game(Ben Drownd x Jeff The killer)Where stories live. Discover now