Ronny's main love

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"bestie westie" my best friend Ronny screams down the hall so gettho even his name is sexy wtf Im blush but my skin tone is dark so you can see but I'm cheesing like crap

"hey westie" I say still cheesing omg I have to stop that

"why you cheesing girl" rommy smiles elbowing me softly oh my gosh he called me girl and ohhh that smile I feel so..... I don't even Know

"um I don't know I... I... I " I cheesed even harder oh my gosh what do I say what do I say oh I got it

"tell me please" he says with puppy eyes OM fucking G I'm a good girl but I have to say it panties wet panties wet

"I oh got um dention ugh" I say.. I'm so happy he's my bestie so he doesn't know what he's doing to my insides he making them do a whole 180 and back flips and turn all that

"girl you so bad after you wanna come over and chill wacth sum pretty lil liers ion like it but you my main love so ill suck it up and watch it" he says smiling

I WANNA JUMP OFF A FUCKING ROOF RIGHT NOW wait what does he mean main love am I not the only one

"Ronny wat do you mean by main love" I say but now in frowning not cheesing

"one smile it takes more muscles to frown then but it only takes one to smile so smile" he said kissing my cheek I blow up if I was white I would be red(don't take it so surrious) two you are the only girl I love other then my mom and sister but ya have a good time in dention bad girl" Ronny said winking walking aways

Ugh Ronny is gonna be the freaking death of me mannn


If I make any spelling errors please tell me I wanna change them im just so tired of fixing this


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