chapter 1 meeting the boys

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Briannas POV

  Today was just any other day, except today is the first day of freshmen year for me. I am scared out if my mind to go to high school. The only thing good about going to high school, is I have my best friend Emma with me. We've been best friends since we were in middle school. Emma is coming over before school to walk with me. I need to shower and all that before she gets here.

   I went into the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. I hopped into the shower, and turned the water on. The hot water was dancing on my skin, and it felt really relaxing. I wish I could stay there all day, but unfortunately I can't. I stepped out of the shower and blow dried my hair. I brushed through it, then put it up in a messy bun. After my hair was done I threw on done clothes and the door bell rang. I flew down stairs to answer the door.

   "EMMA!" I exclaim opening the door. "BRIANNA!" Emma exclaims back making me laugh. "Are you ready for the first year of high school?" I ask Emma. "Not really, are you?" Emma replies nervously. "Not at ask, but who knows maybe we well meet some people we fancy," I reply winking and wiggling my eyebrows at Emma. All she could do was laugh. "Alright you, let's start heading to school," Emma chuckles pulling me out the door. We ever so happily skipped down the side walk, laughing it heads off, until I ran into someone. We tumble down, and I land on the person. "OMG I am so sorry!" I exclaim helping the boy up. "That's quite alright love," he replies making me bush a little bit. "So what's your name?" I ask. "My names Louis Tomlinson and you are?" Louis replies. "I am Brianna Young, nice to meet you Louis," I reply shaking his hand. "The pleasure is all mine love," Louis replies kissing my hand. I start giggling and blushing. "Well I got to go Louis, maybe I'll see you around?" I ask walking away. "Definitely," Louis smiles walking the other way.

   "OMG Brianna you met a guy and we aren't even at school yet!" Emma exclaims jumping up and down. "I know I can't believe it!" I exclaim back. "Well let's go to school, maybe I'll get lucky too," Emma winks at me. "Yeah maybe, let's go," I laugh pulling her towards school. Soon we arrived happier than even at school.

that's the first chapter what's do in think

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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