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"Do you have everything?" Louis asks. He zips up his suitcase and throws it onto his bed. 

"I think so," Harry says. "Help me check?"

"Toothpaste?" Louis questions. 

Harry nods. "Mm hmm."

"Toothbrush? Pajamas?" Louis continues. 

"Yep," Harry replies. 

"Enough clothes for the summer? Hair brush? Shampoo? Soap?" Louis counts each item off on his fingers.

"Yes, yes, yes, and yes," Harry answers. "That's everything, then. I guess we're ready to go."

"You forgot one thing," Louis says. 

"What's that?" Harry raises his eyebrows and places a hand on his hip.

"To kiss me," Louis responds with a cheeky grin. 

Harry rolls his eyes, but he kisses him anyway. "You're a giant fucking weirdo."

"I know," Louis smiles. "Come on, we have a plane to catch."

"Road trip!" Harry cheers. 

A/N: I know, my epilogues are still really short.

Okay, I want to thank every person who has read Homicidal and Slayed. It makes me feel so good to know that I can connect with people just by putting thoughts to paper. It's the best feeling in the whole world.

Second, the third book is called Annihilate and is already posted. It's just the promo and prologue, but chapter one will be up really soon! It's all planned out, so I hope you guys will like it as much as I will.

Thanks for sticking with me through Homicidal and Slayed, and if you go on to read Annihilate, I really appreciate it. I'm not the best author, I have many mistakes, but I put my heart into this, so it means so much to me that you take the time to comment and vote. I'll see you in the next book. 

Love, Grace xx. 

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