Remember me

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"Yusaku! Play with kuro?"
"Of course Kuro!" The young eight year old boy said, hugging Kuro tightly and Kuro return the hugs back.
"Does Yusaku want to play hide and seek?"
"Ukm! I'll go count Kuro! Go hide!"
"Hai!" Kuro said, running off to some distant corner of the playground. Yusaku began to count, but he couldnt help but over hear the daycare lady talking to one of her assistants.
"Poor child, he must have gone through so much, now he thinks that imaginary friend of his is real."
"I'm sure it's a good thing. That friend of his is making him happy... Even though people thinks he crazy.."
Yusaku frowned and ran up to the pair.
"Kuro is real! He helped me when we were kidnapped! He was there in the room with me!" Yusaku shouted, startling the ladies. The assistant bent down to Yusaku.
"I'm sure he's real Yusaku. And I'm glad he helped you out when you were going down."
The daycare lady sighed, "we can't keep hiding him in the dark. He's going to figure out somehow."
Yusaku ignored her comment and twirled around, "Ready or not, here I come Kuro!"
Behind a tree, Kuro peered at Yusaku, feeling their bond slowly fading. He frowned.
"Yusaku... Don't give in.. please..."
~end of scene~
"Yusaku Fujiki" Ninetails said, looking at Playmaker right in his eyes. Playmaker's eyes widen in shock.
"R-really? You know him?"
Kuro nodded and got off of Playmaker.
"I was there when he was in that room.. he cried and cried. I sat by him and made sure he didn't go crazy. One day.. people made fun of him, calling him a freak. I wanted to support him but.. " Ninetails paused.
"But .. what?" Ai asked, very intrigued of the story that was revealed. Playmaker was shocked. He wasn't sure who this boy was. He didn't remember. Why was he looking for him?
"Get away you freak! No one wants to be friends with you! " A red hair boy yelled, pushing Yusaku down to the ground. Laughter filled Yusaku's ears as the red haired boy and his friends kicked him senselessly. Yusaku just cried.
After the boys were completely gone, Kuro peered from the opposite side of the wall. He looked at Yusaku, who was holding his head between his hands and knees against his chest.
"Yusaku. Are you ok-"
Kuro pulled back imediently.
"But Yusaku-"
"It's all your fault! It's because of you! No one wants me because they think I'm crazy! Why can I only see you.. why.. me?"
"Yusaku... I -.. .. " Kuro slowly inch forward, his arm reaching out to Yusaku.


Yusaku glared at Kuro as kuro held his hand close to his chest.
"Go away. I want to you disappear. To forget you! You're nothing but trouble! I hate you!!"
Tears began to spill from Kuro's eyes.
"N-no Yusaku. Please. Think about this! If you wish me away, you'll be alone and-"
"I rather be alone than be with you! I don't want to remember you! Go away!" Yusaku cried and ran off the opposite direction.
"Yusaku! Wait!" Kuro tried to get up and run after him, but a heavy weight kept him from to.
"N-no Yusaku.. please... "
Kuro looked at his hands. He was starting to fade. More tears fell from his face as he looked up at the path that Yusaku took.
"I guess this is goodbye.. Yusaku.."
~end of flash back~

"I see.. " Ai said, looking at Playmaker's way. He was shocked at Playmaker's expression.
"I'm sorry.." Playmaker mumbled.
"Eh? Oh it's not your fault Playmaker! It's okay at the end, when we find him, I'll tell him I sorry!" Ninetails smiles about to place his hand on Playmaker's shoulder but he pushed it away.
"Ai, let's go"
"But Playmaker-"
"... " Ai flew back into Playmaker's duel disk, " bye bye Ninetails! We'll see you soon okay!?"
Ninetails looked at Playmaker and then down.
"Did I say something wrong Playmaker?"
"No.. later.. Ninetails. Stay hidden."
"... Okay.. bye.."

~in the real world~
"Yusaku, are you okay?"
"... How could I forget... Why.. " Yusaku murmured has he raised his left hand to his face. Tears fell.
"Kuro.... I'm sorry... I'm Soo so sorry..."

Kusonagi walked into the room, seeing Yusaku in tears, he quickly ran to him and embraced him in a hug.
"It's okay Yusaku. Your fine..shh..."
" I forgotten him Kusonagi... I left him.. "
Kusonagi peered at Ai for answers but only to receive a shrug in return.

Ninetails hid under the rubble, holding his legs close to him. He sighed. It was his first friend and he already screwed up. Tears fell.
"Why do I have to such a pain... All I wanted to see was Yusaku again.. why...* Sniff* Yusaku..."

"Why are you crying Ninetails?"
Ninetails' ears perked up. Turning he was face to face with a man wearing a mask. Eyes blank as a sheet.
"R-revolver! Eep!" Ninetails ran but was pulled back with a Yelp when Revolver held his tail.
"Why were you crying Ninetails.."
"Answer me." Revolver said once more.
Ninetails still remained silent.
"That's is an order. "
" I met Playmaker. And he promised to protect me and find Yusaku."
"Why do you put your trust in a man you don't even know. "
"Why do I take orders from a man I don't know!" Ninetails shouted, realizing it was a mistake, he shrouded himself from Revolver's gaze with his hands.
Revolver stood up.
"It seems that I gave you too much free will. You are bounded to us.... Kuro "
Ninetails looked down. Fear was rising. Revolver looked at Ninetails.
"You will do as I say. Lure Playmaker to underground sewers."
"No! He's helping me!"
"Then I guess I have no choice. " Revolver sighed, "Requesting access to master privileges."

Access granted.

"Free will program for unit AI Ninetails"

Accessing Free Will program  for unit AI Ninetails.
Current level set to 7

"Lower it to 0"

Ninetails perked up, "Revolver! You promise!"
"You lost your chance, Kuro."

Lowering level from 7 to 0... Complete. Saving changes. Sending data to AI unit.

Revolver turned to face Ninetails. He watched as Ninetails held his head.
"P-please... Revolver.. n-no..."
"From this day forward, you shall refer me as master. Is that clear?"
" you wish, Master. "
"You shall wait here for Playmaker and lure him to the underground sewers."
"Yes master."
Revolver placed his hand on Ninetails' hair, slowly petting him"
"You had your chance... Finish the mission."

Surprisingly, I'm in the mood for typing hahaha. Well what do you think so far,share if nessessary I hope you enjoy.

Guardian Angel (Yusaku Fujiki/Playmaker x male oc /reader)Where stories live. Discover now