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We got back to Colombia and I was finally in my room. My phone buzzed as it was charging on one of my side tables next to my bed..I called that small table. The electronic table since I had my computer, iPad, iPhone, and other stuff there. I flipped on my bed to that little table and grabbed my phone and saw Robbie texted me. I texted back..

Text: hey Robbie! What's up?

Text: nothing much miss you tons though 😑

Text: 😳 oh... Sorry?

Text: you okay Bella? 😯

Text: me? Oh yah! I'm fine!

Text: that's good to hear! How's Colombia?

Text: it's okay, I'm going to be so happy to see my BFF Mabel again so. We going to have a sleepover tomorrow night

Text: sweet! Tell her I said hi or skype me!

I pauses there...dang...he's desperate about me seeing him face to face..well..close enough to that anyways..

Text: 😊 sure I will skype you with Mabel

Text: thanks Bella! Sweet dreams!

I was shocked did he know what time it was here? I shrugged and texted back before putting my phone away and heading to bed

Text: thanks Robbie

FAST FOWARD A FEW WEEKS LATER--------------------------------------

After a few weeks me and Robbie were chatting like we were bro and sis. Mabel and Isa saw how connected we were and when they came over..we three skyped Robbie and he was two of his friends. We all talked and laughed together. Soon enough, his friends were close with my BFFs. Robbie asked me so many questions about my life in Colombia. I was getting scared now...but I must be brave and okay. He was like my night..something happened

We were chatting on skype and Robbie seemed nervous and sad

Me: Robbie? Are you okay?

Robbie just shrugged and sighed

Robbie: I don't know really Bella...

Me: come on buddy...tell your little sissy

He chuckled and sighed again before looking at me with a sudden look of worry, scare, and anger

Robbie: I love someone I'm not suppose to love..she's younger than me and the law states that I can't do that..I don't know what to do...

I look at him confused but nod

Me: well lots of people in my school kind of does that. Seniors and freshmen or seniors and sophomore date each other. They think it's normal and there's no law.

He perked up and looked at me with a happy face

Robbie: really?! That's the beat news I've ever heard now right! I'll call you later bye!

He hung up so fast I had my mouth open and I shrugged and went on tumblr and insta. Robbie and I followed each other and Camilla tagged him in something..;I visited his sisters' instas as well; it was a short video of him singing and dancing to happy by pharrell. And I knew he couldn't dance or sing...but he did well. He looked so happy for some apparent reason...I laughed a bit and he called me the second I went to home screen. I answer slowly

Me: hello?

Robbie: okay okay...I know this is weird and all but you'll be happy when it happens...ttyl

He hung up again and I just was there shocked...what was he going to do? He just was giving me clues and stuff that made no sense to me. I didn't really put the pieces together until just the next month on October 5th....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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