Sigh another chapter

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Hey guys im back i would just like to thank the people who are reading my story I know this is late but if you do not like the fucking story please do not give me hate comments on it just give me criticism on how I should do better thank you

I sat down in the bathtub as it filled with water. I slid down untill I was  completely submerged in water. I remember the last time I was like this.
*flashback* "you peice of shit it's your fault your father left because of your gay disgusting ass I should have had an abortion" mom
shouted as she draged me up the stairs towards the bathroom. My mom was drunk as a bat when she's sober she usually just gives me disgusting looks ,calls me names ,and avoids me. It's only when she's drunk does she have enough courage to get physical and mentally abuse me. " mom stop I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT" I screamed /sobbed. When we got to the bathroom she held me down while she filled the bath tub up with scalding hot water. When it was filled she lifted me up and dunked me in there. She kept me there for 1 minutes brought me back up and repeated the process over and over again.*end of flashback* I shivered just remembering  the burns I used to get. I quickly got out and dried of the bathroom brang back too many dark memories.

So Imma leave y'all hanging there I'll update when I don't have school and I'll try to update more often ok love y'all  BYE also please watch the meme down below

I hope it brings joy to your day

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