Doggos in the Dark

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   After the talk with Major Barrymore, you and Sherlock were able to ditch the guards. Sherlock made sure that they communicated with the guard in charge of John as well, and although you knew that John would be far more uncomfortable alone, Sherlock insisted that it was necessary for the experiment to work.

    He swiped his security card through the reader, and it let the two of you pass into a decontamination room. Directly in front, another set of doors led to the room John should've been in now, if your calculations were correct (haha, "if"). But instead of proceeding to the lab ahead, Sherlock went through the heavy door labeled "security" on the right.

   Inside, only one security guard was attending. He looked up as you and Sherlock entered. Just hired, from the looks of him. The desk around him was bare and undecorated. His suit uniform looked new. Even the man's shoes were barely worn. He was sitting in front laptop, which had several cords running from its back to four different screens on the wall. All four were monitoring one lab, but were providing feed from different corners of the laboratory.

   "Er, hello, who are you?" he asked nervously.

   You weighed your options. Obviously, no half-witted citizen would be hired here. This young man would have been trained extensively. But he was also obviously freshly hired, and thus not used to his shifts or coworkers. How much could you get away with..?

   You fixed the innocent employee with a furious stare. "Since you're so clearly new, I won't have you fired and fined on the spot. Consider yourself lucky."

   His eyes widened. "Fined..?" he repeated fearfully.

   "We don't have room for incompetence here at Baskerville," you snapped. "Surely you're not so dim as to know nothing of the punishments for hindering work in a Class Seven SBG Facility? Not to mention speaking to your superiors with such informality and disrespect."

   "M-my apologies, ma'am!" he stammered in a panic. "I wasn't aware you-"

   "You weren't aware?" you repeated furiously, and a look of pure horror took the young man's countenance. You took a sharp breath like you were going to explode on the poor boy, but then pretended to stop yourself and instead rubbed the bridge of your nose with two fingers, as if easing a headache. "Go take a one hour exercise break."

   The security dude stared blankly at you, and then glanced at the screens uncertainly.


   He jumped to his feet, murmuring a yes ma'am, and scrambled out the door.

a short attempt to express my current state of being in a confused cry for help

Me: *Gets on computer next determined to finish the entire book today, on the 4th* (it ended up not working obviously)

Text cursor: *blinks*

Me: What is words

   "Well, that takes care of that," you said, turning to Sherlock. "What are we-" You broke off because he was staring unbiddenly at you, his mouth slightly open like he;d forgotten about it. "What?"

   You had to repeat yourself once more before slowly, he managed to regain his ability to speak. "Can I kiss you?" 

   You blinked at the sudden and bold request, but it wasn't as if you were about to say no. Unable to make yourself reply verbally, you just nodded.

   Sherlock surged forward eagerly to meet with you. After second, you forced yourself to pull away. "Sherlock, we don't have time," you tried to say, but it was a bit difficult when he'd pressed forward as you drew back. He tilted his head and brought a hand to your cheek, deepening both the kiss and burning feeling in your chest. You laughed airily against his lips and gently placed a hand on his chest to keep him back, pulling away a second time. 

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