Chapter 6

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Jerome P.O.V




I tried to push out all y thoughts but I couldn't. All I could think about was Megan Naudia Megan Naudia. Drafts are coming up in three weeks andI'll be damn and that causes me to not be in the top ten. I pushed hard and shot the buzzer beater three. Coach called us in a huddle.

"Yall did go but you need to get your head out of your asses. Open practice means scouts. You make an ass of yourself that's you. I'll still have a job go shower and well run it again before open practice."

Being that only me and Naudia was tight enough to still be friends, I kinda let everyone else fall off once I started getting good at ball. Too many snakes and less damage control. It was really hard trying to decipher these feelings when you're the only one you can talk to. I let the hot water run over me before heading back to the locker room. I checked to see a text from my girl. It's dinner night. ABout three days out of the week we pick our off days to sit down, dress up fancy, and cook a nice meal at home. It's Megan's turn and I was glad. I totally almost forgot that it was today. I quickly headed to my crib to change clothes. 

Ringing the doorbell Megan opened it. She wore a black dress with tiny straps. Her hair and makeup finished up her signature look, burgundy lipstick, and hair straight and curled under. "I thought you'd never come. The food was about to get cold." It seemed like every time I stepped into her house I was stepping into an office. Hardwood floors and pictures of outdoors plastered the wall neatly. Her family portrait sat high above the fireplace. Everything is placed perfectly one would think no one even lives here. Megan doesn't seem to either she's either at the gym or at the office. She just sleeps here she doesn't live here. As dinner progressed me made the usual small talk.

"Jerome, when are you gonna, put your degrees to use. You have one in architectural design and business marketing. You could start your own business. Be making millions." I rolled my eyes we had this conversation 

"Meg you  know drafts are coming up soon I plan on being in the top 10."

"Basketball is not a career its a hobby. It's not a real job why waste all those years you spent in college to go break your bones?"

" Megan I made up my mind I'm playing. If I get hurt oh well I'll heal and get back on the floor."

"Basketball is not a career Jerome. It's stupid your practically throwing your life away. And I can't marry someone like that. I won't marry someone like that. All of my friends have business husbands and I refuse to be the bimbo who's in the office and follow her stupid husband around the country so he can play ball." I was tired of hearing this and I was quite over it. I got up downed my glass of wine and headed toward the door. I could hear the chair push out and healing clicking quickly behind me.



"Jerome stop please." I turned around to face her.

"Look I'm sorry about calling you stupid. I just want you to be using what you've worked so hard to achieve. I worked triple hard to earn respect in the office. And I promise being an African American male architect will earn you more respect than the court will."

"Goodnight Megan." I headed for her lips only for them to land on her cheek. Her favorite move. I turned around and headed to the only place I knew I could seek comfort and refuge. Naudia's couch with a cold beer and Gray's Anatomy. I moved on to my second beer.

"Are you gonna tell me now or do I have to get you drunk to do so?"

"She wants me to skip drafts and open and architecture business."

"But I thought you wanted to open your business after you retire?"

"I do but she thinks I'm wasting my talents. Do you think that's true?"

"I think you're a talented person. You know your way with a ball just a well you do with a pencil. Either one you decide to do, don't let anyone pressure you to do it. Listen to your heart and do what you feel you love." She smiled at me before getting up from the couch and carrying the empty beer bottles into the kitchen. Why did my legs follow her I don't know. Why did I drink so many beers I don't know. But what I do know is why I stepped in front of her, lowered my head and kissed her. It was soft and slow. So much passion and love flowed through my body. I knew at that moment that I loved her and she loved me. We didn't have to confirm with words our bodies already told it. She pulled back panting. We were so lost in the kiss I didn't even realize that she was on top of the counter and my shirt was unbuttoned. We just stared at each other. not moving or saying a word. She was about to say something when my phone rung and Megan's picture popped up on the screen. She watched me intently before pushing me away and hopping off the counter. I could hear the steps creek and then stop. I picked up my phone and answered. The creeks started up and then a door shut.

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