Izuku x Suicidal Reader

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Before we get started, this chapter will be a bit graphic. Don't worry though, towards the end the mood will lighten up. Interesting enough, I got this idea from a dream. Yeah I know I dream too much about anime characters hehe. But anyways I hope you enjoy reading this! ( Ask my brain why I dream about anime guys and food lol)

Y/n's pov

You were on the phone with Izuku, filling him in on what happened the other day in U.A. Sadly, you had gotten beaten up to the point where your will to live was completely gone afterwards. Your bully's words kept ringing in your head.

"Attention Whore!"


"Good For Nothing!"


You've been dealing with this since middle school. You were always a good student and always got good grades! At least, most of the time you did. Similar to Izuku, when alone in class the two of you would mumble to yourselves. It was a habit you had picked up a while back.

"Hey, Y/n? Are you still there?
You have been quiet on the phone for 10 minutes already." You instantly get snapped back to reality.

You suddenly had the urge to do something you weren't proud of. First you had to let Izuku know what you felt for him.

"Ah, I'm sorry Izuku, I got lost in my thoughts, I just want to let you know that I love you okay? I'll do anything for you ,but right now life isn't being easy on me.. "

You grabbed your phone and your razor and headed to the bathroom. You started slowly crying on the phone and this scared poor Izuku to death. He didn't like to hear you cry because he always wanted you to be happy. He'd do anything for you. You stared at the razor in your hand thinking that you shouldn't do this.

"Y/n?! Hey! Is everything alright? Do you need me to come to your house?! I'm coming over, I'll make sure to give you the love you deserv-" You hung up the phone call and put the razor close to your arm.

Izuku's pov:

"Y/n?! Hey! Is everything alright? Do you need me to come to your house?! I'm coming over! I'll make sure to give you the love you deserv-" She had hung up the phone.

My mind soon started to think of all the things that could be happening to her right now. I then remember the time we had our first phone call. She told me how her life was usually miserable, how she would get bullied often, and that she didn't really get the love she wanted. She would tell me that Todoroki, Kirishima, and I were her only hope.

( These are my main favorite characters, so of course I'd dream about them but it was mainly Izuku, sorry for making you read this! You can continue now! )

She told me that I was the closest to her since she had knew me longer than Kirishima and Todoroki. I suddenly realized that I was zoning out. In a rush, I told my mom that I would be back soon and that I was going to visit Y/n. She told me to take care and with that I left.

I ran as fast as I could to Y/n's house. As I finally neared her porch, I slowed down to catch my breath. I knocked on her door and her mother just so happened to answer the door.

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