Chapter 2

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With the flash light of my phone I looked around the room. On my right was the bathroom door, but it was inaccessible because of the bookcase that blocked my path. On my left was Alice who was leaning against the door crying her eyes out.

Suddenly I heard a muffled voice that quickly faded away.

"Did you say something?"

"No." Alice whispered.

Then I heard it again. I looked around me but couldn't locate where it came from. All of a sudden there was a scream accompanied by loud footsteps that went across the rooftop right above us. When it reached the edge every noise stopped except for some low continuous whispering. It was repeating something over and over again, but I couldn't really make out what.

Alice and I were now staring at the window from where the voices came from. Suddenly a head popped out from the top of the window and just stared back. Then with slow movements it reached down with its long slender arm and tapped the glass. The sound made me shudder. The creature then slowly smiled at as from ear to ear, making everything in the room light up with its luminous teeth. Alice was by now so scared that her back had touched the wall behind her. The alien stood still for a few seconds until out of nowhere it opened the window and got inside with the head first. When it stood up inside the room we finally saw its true height. The alien being had six massive legs like a spider, but they were much more masculine and thick. The body was relatively short but its neck made up for it as it was so tall that it couldn't fit upright inside the room. That made the being bent its neck like a loose metal spring before coming closer to my face, blinding me with its smile.

With its long arm it grabbed my body and lifted me up. That made me immediately
scream, kick and punch it in an attempt to free myself from its grasp. Then with its
other arm it grabbed both Alisa and unconscious Sarah off the ground and got
outside the room through the window. I was now in mid air on the fifth floor
feeling like on any second the beast's hand would give out, making me inevitably
fall to my death, to the concrete below me.

With swift and quick movements the alien being got on top of the roof and started
running from rooftop to rooftop. As I was looking around to find help I noticed that
a building across the street had collapsed and fires were coming out, trees had
fallen on top of the roads around it and abandoned cars were blocking the way of the firefighters and the police who were trying to rescue people. While I was lost in my thoughts and observing my surroundings the being suddenly made a turn and started going down a building using its windows. By this time my voice had nearly closed up from all the screaming and I was feeling nauseous from looking at the ground from this height. Then out of nowhere something hit my head and I passed out in the arms of the alien being.


I woke up in a white room with someone looking down on me. When my vision
adjusted I could clearly see a young nurse straighten the blanket on top of me until
she realized that I finally came back to life and stopped to look at me with a smile.

"What happened, where am I?"
"You are at a hospital darling." She answered. "Want some water? You must be
awfully thirsty." She continued and without waiting for an answer she passed me a glass of water.
"Thank you. Why am I here? Everything is so blurry I can't... I only remember being in a room with my friends until- Oh no! Are they OK? Tell me!" By the time I finished my sentence the woman had already left me to do something else to the bed in front of mine.

"Wait!" I said but she only looked at me for a moment and then kept on walking towards an old woman at the end of my room. She clearly didn't have time for chit-chat.

There were other four patients here with broken limbs and bruised bodies. A man near me was nearly completely covered in plaster, while an other was sleeping with an oxygen mask. The nurse had a hard time caring for all the wounded people in the room, going back and forth from bed to bed.

As I was looking around the TV caught my eye where news where playing non-stop.

"- to ruins. The estimated cost is 4 billion euros, the earthquake was devastating. 22,000 people are injured, 7,000 are dead and hundreds are missing. Thousands of homes are ruined and people are on the streets-" I caught the controller and swapped between the channels. Everywhere they were covering the disaster, interviewing people crying and begging for help, talking with politicians who ensured that everything was under control ... My head started to ache. I clenched my fists.

'What happened last night? I can't...' I looked around the room in panic. 'I can't remember...' When my eyes landed on the window I froze. I grabbed my covers and pulled them close to my face as I remembered the creature from last night. The alien! The aliens came to earth and got Sarah and Alice! What have they done to them?! What will they do to me? I looked around in panic for someone, something, that may be watching me.

From that day on I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was fallowing me, waiting for the right moment to attack. Nobody believed my story but that didn't stop me from investigating. Sarah and Alice have been missing for 8 days along with 24 other people. And I feel like I will be the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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