Chapter One -The New Beginning-

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        "Please lead me out of the dark." I sang into the microphone. I finished singing Lead Me Out of the Dark by Crown the Empire and looked at the guys. They grinned and grabbed the camera. "You know we kick ass!" I cheered. The guys all cheered.

        Ryan is the guitarist and does back up vocals and the screaming parts in songs, cause I can only scream certain songs. He's 21. He has been my best friend since I met him in high school. No one could separate us. Along with Logan. But I'll talk about Logan in a minute. Ryan has short spiked blonde hair. He has dark gray eyes that he can pull of good. He's sort of tan. He's the tannest person out of all of us in the band. He is pretty muscular. He is like my brother, I've always wanted. Even though I have a brother, but he is a total jerk. Reasons I'll explain later.

        Now there's Logan and he plays the drums. He's 21 as well. I've known him since high school also. Ryan, Logan, and I were all best friends. We never left each other sides. We would cut class together and go drinking behind the school and smoke a little. Okay so we weren't the most good influenced kids. Logan has shoulder length dark brown hair and giant brown eyes. He is the tallest in the band. He's a little bit paler then Ryan and he's also muscular. Logan is total flirt and ladies man. I feel like the only girl who never liked him that way or has never slept with him. I'm surprised he doesn't have STDs honestly.

        Then there's Jason and he plays the bass. He's 23, I met him when I started going to college at Ballstate University in Indiana. Ryan and Logan got along with him perfectly and we all sort of connected. We all found out who could sing and play instruments and started a band. Thus Between the Echo was born. Jason has a black Mohawk, and dark green eyes. He's sort of tall and just a little bit tan. He's the seconds palest person in our group. And of course he's muscular. He's engaged to his girlfriend, Blair Jackson, who has been dating since middle school.

        And now there's me. I'm Delilah "Riot" Evens. I'm the lead singing for Between the Echo. I naturally have brunette hair but I dye it a bright red. I'm the palest and of course the shortest in the group. It sucks to be honest cause the guys make fun of me. I have really dark brown eyes, but my bangs sometimes cover them. I'm 21, I'm the youngest in the group but Ryan is only older then me by 1 month. And Logan is older then him by 5 months. And Jason is older then all of us but 2 years.

        "How's the wedding coming?" I asked Jason grabbing a monster.

        "Good. Blair is all set with me staying out of the way," Jason laughed, "But I caught a sneak peek of her dress and it's black." He grinned.

        Blair and Jason most likely won't have a normal wedding. Blair is a full on Goth, and she hates normal stuff. I'm her maid of honor cause over the 2 years I've known Jason and Blair her and I have grown so close, we're practically sisters. She never really had friends for how she acted and so I was her first real friend. Well I guess Jason was her friend. They were the outcasts in school. And she was my first real friend that was a girl because in school I didn't have faithful friends until high school when I met Ryan and Logan. Now I have 4 faithful friends. Ryan, Logan, Jason, Blair and I couldn't ask for anything better.

        "Don't you have to be at work?" I asked Ryan. His eyes grew wide and he jumped off the computer screen and grabbed his leather jacket before running outside. I started laughing.

        "Did you have the day off?" Logan asked sitting where Ryan was so we could upload the video. We had like 5,000 subscribers on Youtube and like 3,000 followers on a twitter and same amount on Instagram.

        "Yeah, Jen let me stay home." I was a photographer and my bosses name was Jen. Anytime the guys and I were going to upload a new song she let me take off cause she knows how much it means to me. As of Ryan's boss... he's a dick. Ryan is a waiter at some 60s diner and he never gets a day off.

        "I should get going, work." Jason muttered waving bye leaving the room. Jason lives with Blair in an apartment down the road. Logan, Ryan, and I all live together in a house. Logan also works but he works at a record store, he's been working there since high school. His boss is like mine, he lets him take a day off for the band.

        I turned around to put Ryan's guitar on the stand when Logan started shouting, "Shut the hell up!" I hissed turning back around facing a wide eyes Logan pointing at the computer screen. I sat down in the chair and scooted up to the computer. My eyes grew wide. I was about to cry.

Hello Ms. Riot Evens,

We love your band. And we were wondering if you and your band would like to sign a record deal with us. Also we were wondering if you would want to go on a tour with the band Black Veil Brides. They are the ones who showed us your videos and they would love for you to attend the. If you decide to do, once the tour is over you will get started on your first CD and then a few music videos. If you are interested please reply and we will send back 4 plane tickets to LA to meet with us and Black Veil Brides. We are all looking forward to meeting with you.


                Lava Records, Jason Flom

        "IS THIS FOR REAL!?" I screamed. I turned around and jumped on Logan. He laughed and spun me around giving me a tight hug back. "Text Jason and Ryan ASAP!" He nodded and pulled out his phone typing furiously on it. After a few minutes his phone started going off and Jason and Ryan were calling him at the same. He put them on a group call.

        "REALLY!?" They screamed at the same time. Logan read off the letter to them. "REPLY RIOT!" He screamed. I ran to the computer and started typing a letter back to Jason Flom.

Mr. Jason Flom,

We great appreciated your offer. We would love to sign with the label and join Black Veil Brides on their tour. It honestly is a dream come true. Thank you so much for the oppurtunity. We will be in LA as soon as we get the tickets.


Between the Echos, Riot Evens

        I hit sent and realized the letter was sent today, actually just a few minutes ago. And no later we got a reply from Jason with the plane tickets and saying his driver would meet us at the airport and take us to Lava Records then to our hotel, and we'd be staying there for 2 days before we head off for tour with the band.

        "I'm coming home." Ryan laughed and I heard a door shut behind him.

        "Same, gotta tell Blair, later." Jason replied. I could tell her was smiling and soon the group call ended.

        When Ryan got home Logan, Ryan, and I all danced around screaming, crying, okay well I was the only one crying but because no one thought we could make it. My mom and dad weren't around to see me create the band because they died when I was in middle school, from a drunk driver, which is why I changed schools. My brother, Mason and I, moved in with my grandma and Mason ran away after abusing me because my grandma threatened him with the cops. When I was in college my grandma passed away and I got my own place, I finished up two years of college with Ryan and Logan before having to drop out due to money issues.

        "Looks like were leaving tomorrow," Ryan grinned. We were all laying on the floor, including Jason, with pillows everywhere and blankets with our bags by the door.

        "Yeah." I grinned back. I grabbed Logan and Ryan's hand I made Logan grab Jason's, "We are making it guys. Tomorrow we're leaving small town Greenwood, Indiana and heading to LA."

        "We will kick some ass!" Logan cheered and we started cheering soon after.

A/N; Thanks everyone for reading. I was going to post a pic of all four of them but I don't know how:o

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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