Chapter Fourteen

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He leaned down and licked the blood off your hand, smirking and picking you up. You twitched in fear as he set and strapped you on a chair. You finally came to your senses. You struggled. 

"Let me go! Let me go!" You screamed, tears blurring your vision as you were suddenly dropped into water. You felt your nightgown rip and fall off, without you noticing. Claude stared at you eyes glowing as you saw a smaller figure next to him. You were jolted out of the water and you took a deep breath of precious air, noticing the blonde hair and ice- cold blue eyes. 

"Dunk her in again." He said simply, staring at your chest. You sobbed and went under again. There you stayed for about about a minuite and went back up. You gasped for air and you noticed Claude standing above you with a steel string. Your eyes widened as he ran it all over your body, creating deep cuts all over. You wailed and he jumped back. The blonde was laughing until a loud crash and a flash of silver butter knives. Claude immediatly took out his gold knives as two figures appeared in a hole. The red one was holding a chainsaw and had the glint of glasses, the other was tall, and slender, with silver butter knives that glinted through the dark. You nearly screamed with joy as the realization hit you. It's Grell and Sebastian! Their here to save me! 


Me-- *hides behind wall* I'm so sorry. Don't kill me. My iPod was taken and I lost all the drafts. ;_; 

Sebby-- *calms down* Oh.

Grell-- You know, Nessa, are you f/n?

Me-- Uh. *sweatdrops* Would you glomp me if I was?

Grell-- Yes.

Me-- *fangirl sqeal* Then, yes! I am! ^v^ 

Grell-- *glomps me*

Sebby-- Oh crap. Not this again... *leaves*

Stained Red (Grell x Neko! Reader x Sebastian)Where stories live. Discover now