Chapter 15: Aca-Awkward

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Aubrey and Jesse had dropped Beca off at her house on the way home.

"If your skinny ass doesn't show up groveling at our house in the next few hours for Chloe, I will literally stress vomit on you and then, I will call Amy and have her put that mafia in play she's always talking about. And don't get me started on what I can have Lily do. You got it?" Aubrey threatened turning to Beca in the backseat and jabbing her in the chest as she spoke empathizing her point.

Okay, okay," Beca said meekly jumping out of the backseat and heading for her house to try to form coherent thoughts about what to do for Chloe. It was proving difficult to think with no sleep.

Aubrey and Jesse quietly slipped in the front door, not knowing if Chloe had fallen asleep yet when they saw Jess softly closing Chloe's bedroom door behind her.

"She's finally asleep; I stayed in there with her until I was sure… I'm really worried about her, Bree," Jess whispered out as they made their way to the kitchen.

Jesse pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge and handed one to Aubrey and Jess.

"I am too," Aubrey nodded sitting on the counter in the middle of the kitchen. "She's never been able to let Beca go."

"It's not like Beca is any better, she's just tried to bury herself in work," Jess said agreeing.

"I told her that earlier, we finally found her in that café," Aubrey said.

"Aubrey went in and tried to give her a swift kick in the ass," Jesse said patting Aubrey's knee.

"I'm still mad at you! I can't believe you knew Beca went to Atlanta," Aubrey jerked her head towards him with a glare.

"Seriously, Jesse! I can't believe you never said anything," Jess added.

"Yeah, yeah. Look, Beca is my best friend, she didn't want me to say anything, so I didn't, and trust me. I've tried to get that look out of my head for years…" Jesse said looking to the floor.

"What look?" Jess asked.

"THE look on her face when she got back to Raleigh, I've never seen anything like it before, so we never spoke of it again," Jesse added quietly. In reality, Jesse thought about that look often. It had really hurt him.

The front door creaked opened and they spun around to see Cynthia Rose and Amy walking towards them in the kitchen.

"Hey, you guys found Beca? We went to her house first but she won't answer the door, Cynthia Rose wouldn't let me use our key," Amy said glaring at Cynthia Rose. "Is it too early to start drinking?"

"No, Amy! No drinking!" They all recited.

"She's supposed to be coming up with her groveling and making things right with Chloe, or I told her I would send your mafia people to her – or better yet, Lily's contacts," Aubrey said with a shrug as Cynthia Rose and Amy grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Rather intense there blondie, but I like your style, those two are like –" Amy started.

"Yeah, yeah – we know. Dingos in heat," Jesse said with a nod.

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