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The next morning at school, Jefferson and Madison had a meeting in the bathroom.

"So, how's it going with Alexander?"

"Everything's workin' out so far," Thomas has dropped the French accent. James looked Thomas up and down, taking in his appearance.

"You really do look exactly like him," he said.

"Zat is ze point, Madison!~" Thomas picked up the accent again for effect. Madison started coughing.

"This is going to be so confusing," he said in between coughs. "By the way, people have been coming up to me and asking where you were yesterday."

"Well, you can go ahead and tell them that Thomas Jefferson is no more. Gone. Disappeared. There's only Gilbert du.. Joseph yves g.. gi.. m-marquis.. uh... somethingsomethingLafayette."

"Keep practicing that, Thomas."


Lafayette, the real one, was laying on his french bed staring at his french ceiling with his french eyes. Oh, how he wished to be in America right now with his beloved boyfriend. 

He wondered how absolutely humiliated Jefferson must be right now. Because surely Alex could tell the difference between that prick and his own boyfriend. And surely Alex gave him a verbal smackdown so hard that he wouldn't show his face in school for a few days. And surely, certainly, absolutely no doubt about it, Alex doesn't believe that Jefferson is actually Lafayette...


Well, Jefferson did say that Alex believed him. But he was lying, right? He didn't actually want to admit that his "genius" plan didn't work. He's so humiliated that he's in denial. Right???

Now Laf's really starting to get paranoid. 

Maybe he should touch base with someone back in America. Y'know, just to confirm that everything's okay.

Yeah, that's what he should do.

Time to text Herc.

-back at school-


Well, that was the most annoying sound Thomas had ever heard.

Two arms wrapped around Thomas from behind. Alex whined into the sweater Thomas was wearing.

"Mon amour, what's wrong?"

"I lost my......." he paused, staring at the sweater he had been whining into. "hey, where'd you get this sweater? I've never seen you wear it before."

Shit. If Alex is going to point out how every shirt Thomas is wearing is clearly not one of Lafayette's shirts, then he's going to have a problem fast.

"Uhhh.. H&M."

"Oh. Okay," Alex shrugged. "I like it."

"What were you saying earlier, Lexy?" Thomas had picked up on this cute nickname from spying on the couple before he initiated his plan.

"Oh yeah! I lost my phone," Alex shoved himself into Thomas' sweater again, begging for comfort.

How convenient! Thomas thought to himself. But aloud, he said, "Aw, I'm sorry, Lexy."

Alex whined again and muttered an "everything sucks" and then quickly added an "except you." After a second, he stopped moping and a mischievous grin appeared on his face. 

"What's that look for?" Thomas asked.

"Well, I almost forgot..." Alex pulled a folded sticky note out of his pocket. "I have a little note for you."

"Oh? Is that so?" Thomas reached for the note but Alex pulled it away from his hand. 

"Ah ah ah! I don't think so!" He teased. "I can't just give it to you now. I don't... really wanna see.. your reaction. I mean, I don't think I could handle it..... if you know... what I mean..."

A massive blush creeped onto Alex's face, but his mischievous expression remained.

Thomas was really curious now. What was up?

"I'm just gonna put it right in here," Alex reached up and slid the note into the slits of what Thomas assumed to be Lafayette's locker, "Just look at it when you get the chance, okay? I gotta get to clubs. Bye, babe," He stood on his tip-toes and kissed Thomas on the cheek, and then ran off down the hallway.

Uh oh. 

Thomas really wants to read this note.

But he doesn't know Lafayette's locker combination!! 

If only there was someone really good at getting through combination locks...

-time skip-


"What? Why not??"

Thomas stood in front of a crossed-armed Hercules Mulligan (dressed as his best friend, of course).

Herc shrugged, "Because I don't feel like it?"

"Oh, come on, Herc! We're friends, right?"

"Why can't you get into your own locker?"

"I told you. It's just not working. I don't know why."

Herc rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. Thomas was starting to get frustrated.

"Listen, Herc, buddy-"

"Don't you 'buddy' me."

Thomas stared. Why was Hercules being so aggressive with his best friend? Unless...

...he knew?

At this realization, Thomas was visibly upset, but he couldn't break character. Not yet.

"Herc, Alex put a letter in my locker. I really need to see it-"

A fire lit up in Herc's eyes at the mention of Alex. Suddenly, Thomas' backside hit the locker he was trying so hard to get into. Hercules grabbed two fistfuls of sweater and got up in the imposter's face.


Thomas, low-key terrified, could only utter a "please don't tell Alex."

Herc released Thomas and said, "oh, don't worry. I won't."

Thomas breathed a sigh of relief.

"But that doesn't mean Laurens won't."

Hamilton- Fake Laf AU (High school version) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now