Why We Don't #1

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                                                                             Why We Don't

Corbyn: Daniel? Wherefore art thou Daniel?

Jonah: Dude seriously where are you???

Jack: Youre missing dinner

Jack: Youre missing FOOD

Jonah: We're ordering now

Jonah: If youre late to our brainstorming session tonight...

Zach: What are you gonna do to him? Kick him out of the band?

                                             Jonah has removed Zach from the group.

Jonah: Now the child is gone

Jonah: For real Daniel. Where are you?

Daniel: Crap. Sorry guys I took a nap and JUST woke up. I'll go to dinner on my own and meet up with you guys for the brainstorming session when I'm done

Corbyn: Run away with me Daniel!

                                           Jonah has removed Corbyn from the group.

Jonah: Where were you taking a nap at? We all went back to our rooms before dinner

Jack: He was sleeping with the fishies

                                                 Jack has added Zach to the group.

Zach: @jonah cmon dude

Zach: @jack good one

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