Part 5

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Phil smashed his lips into Dan's

Dan was shocked, yet he kissed back. His lips felt the same. Still warm and slightly chapped.
Phil pulled back. He brushed a stray hair from Dan's forehead. He loved his curly hair, he always had. It was so perfect, so beautiful,so Dan. Phil looked away blushing just NOW realizing what he did. "I-i-im so sor-" Dan started laughing. Phil looked back at him and Dan's eyes were filled with tears,yet he was laughing?
"D-dan?" Phil said chuckling a bit. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that you spork." And pulled him into a hug.
They stayed like that for a while. The laughing stopped but they both wanted this to never end. Dan felt like he was 17 again in Phil's bedroom, laughing till they pass out and holding each other like if one let go, they'll be gone forever. Phil's scent is very distinguished and calming to him. He felt tears come on again.
"I-i love you."
"I love you too."
Dan broke down.
Phil loved him? Since when? Who could love him? He was a fat, pathetic, loser who was somehow lucky enough to meet him.
"Dan are you okay? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry "
"N-n-no of course not! But do you love me? Really?"
Phil paused for a second then smiled "I guess I do."


It was almost 2 in the morning when Phil woke up to a sound.

Phil looked around but nobody was there except Dan's sleeping form next to him.
Phil followed the sound
Phil heard it from the bathroom. Each step he took, the floorboards creeked more. Like they were going to snap at any moment.
Phil stopped. What did that say?
Phil felt all his breath leave him. All that he could think of was Coward. Coward? Why only that word?
"Fucking coward!"
Phil walked back wards. He couldn't breathe. His hands were shaking.
"Coward coward coward COWARD COWARD!"
Dan woke up. Did Phil just scream? He went to go find him.
"Ph-phil?" Dan asked. He heard a whimper from the bathroom. He slowly walked toward it.
Phil was sat,crying. He has a scratch on his arm. He was shaking and his hands covered his ears. He was muttering something.
Dan stepped a little closer. "Phil?"
"C-c-c." Was all Phil could muster out.
"Phil you're okay." He put a hand on his shoulder.
"COWARD" Phil yelled. Dan pulled him tight while he cried. He looked at Phil's arm. There was a large cut and a bruise. Did he fall?
"Phil, what happened."
"I-i-i don't know. I woke up to a voice and when I came in here-this sounds insane-but something was calling me a co-cow-a uh a cow-a-a-"
Phil couldn't say it. It left a sour taste in his mouth.
"Phil, I think we need to leave tomorrow morning. This place is messing with out heads
"Do it Phil."
"Don't be a coward"
"Do what?"
"Kill him."
Phil's eyes went dark.

Woahhh what's going on??? See, in the stanley hotel, anything can happen ;). Is Dan going to be okay? More importantly,will Phil be okay? I'll try to have a upload schedule but in the mean time, have these crazy uploads. xxxxx

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