I Know I Should Run

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He bought me angel winged earrings.Told me that i was his guardian angel.Tears welled in my eyes.Not because I was happy, but because I felt a sharp pain rip through my heart.

He went ahead to add that he loved me so much.That i meant the world to him.I smiled.It was a way of masking my unbelief.A way for me to inwardly mimick and roll my eyes at his words.

As we moved away from the jewelry shop,he paused to tell me how beautiful I was.I looked past him to the window holding my reflection.A hint of hurt flashed through my eyes for i could see beneath the coat of make up on my face.I could see the scars and bruises from last night's fight.Some from blows and others from cigarrette butts.

He moved to hug me and I couldn't help but wince.My ribs hurt.You see,it didn't end with the blows and burns.No,that wasn't enough....He threw me to the ground and kicked me good.My ribs suffered since my arms were shielding my head.

To the world,we were the perfect couple but behind closed doors,we were on a battle field.Just the other day,I told my friends i was done.For once,I made it a month without him.And then we met,at a party.He said how much his life was a wreck without me.How he almost died on overdose.How he was in and out of jail on drug charges.My heart went out to him and in a week,I was back in his house.

Before you call me stupid,I know for a fact that no human has the power to make our lives great or miserable.I know that him saying he couldn't live without me was a lie.Why?

In his own twisted way,he made me feel wanted.He made me feel needed.And that's why I always went back,much as I knew I had to run.Fast!!!

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