Chapter 25

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Sophie's P.O.V: Oh! Before I forget, quick author's note: I am already writing the sequel ^.^ So exciting! It's going along very well, and I have already written . . . About ten pages. So yeah. Okay, story time bishes.

"Macie . . . ?" I wonder why she is here. I have forgotten about her . . . until now. She was a bitch. But is she my rescue? I can't be sure.

"Zack . . ." She whispers and looks at me then back at him and then me again. Is she still going out with him? How could she still go out with him? Hasn't she seen how abusive he is?

"Macie! Uh - Sophie was just . . ."

"Sucking your dick?" Macie asks, tilting her head to the side. Zack pushes me away and stands up. He walks toward her with one hand pulling up his boxers and the other reached out for her.

"It was her fault. She lead me on. I did nothing," Zack says, shaking his head.

"You're a bastard! I knew that I could never trust you after you hooked up with that slut behind the bleachers. I should have listened to everyone . . . . You're pathetic," She spits and starts to turn toward the door.

She's too late, though. Zack catches her arm and pulls her back, making her scream and thrash. He closes the door and locks it, then grabs Macie's arm and twists it behind her back. She cries out in pain and then in that moment, I can see the pain in her eyes. The betrayal.

The sadness. And I know now that I shouldn't be mad at her. I just feel bad for her. She was tricked, just like me. Zack lets out a stream of cuss words, and then throws her to the side like nothing. She hits the wall and cries in pain again, but slumps over, breathing hard.

He's taken the energy out of her. Zack turns his attention to me, and the hate in his eyes slowly dissolves to adoration. He gives me a small smile and walks over to me. My body stiffens, unsure of what to do. But instead of hitting me like I thought he would, he offers me a hand.

I take it. As he helps me stand, he slides an arm around my waist and guides me to the kitchen. I glance at Macie. What is he going to do with her? Start the same process that he did with me? What if he wants me to do some sick and twisted thing with her? Or all of us?

Zack stops when we are by the table and pulls out a seat for me. I sit down and watch his actions. He's going to feed me. I hope that it's more than an apple today. He looks through the fridge and decides on something. He pulls it out and places it in front of me. It's a box from Olive Garden. I open it and see three breadsticks inside with a huge pile of ravioli.

"I was saving that for myself, but you've been such a good girl. You can eat all of it. Warm it up in the microwave. I'm going to take care of Macie," he says and gives me a smile. I nod. He kisses me before leaving the kitchen. I quickly warm up the ravioli and breadsticks, my stomach already growling like crazy just from the sight of the food.

I never have eaten as fast as I did then in my entire life. I devoured the whole meal in less than ten minutes and was more than satisfied with it afterwards. Zack hadn't come back yet, so I decided to drink a couple glasses of water while I waited.

As I swirled the water in my cup, Zack comes in with a red mark on his cheek and a smile on his face. "Already done?" he asks. I nod and smile.

"Thank you," I say honestly and pat my stomach. He smiles wider and walks over to me. He kisses me again, but I don't respond as I usually don't. As I said before, this doesn't seem to bother him at all. He kisses my jaw line, down to my neck, and then groans as the t -shirt gets in his way of my breasts.

"Let's go have some fun in the bedroom," he says. My face falls. I had taken a shower only thirty minutes ago. And I hurt too much right now.

"But . . ." I whimper. I don't want to argue with him, but I don't want this either. It's too much.

"It's okay, sweetie. Not that. I want to just fool around. We don't have to make love until tomorrow, okay?" he asks. I nod in response. Fooling around is okay. Better than rape.

"What about Macie?" I ask.

"Don't worry about her. She's in the bedroom," he says and helps me stand. He guides me toward his bedroom. He's sicker than I thought. He's going to make her watch us?

As we walk through the door, I answer myself a yes. She's tied and slumped against the wall that's facing the bed. She has no choice. I sigh and climb on the bed, ready for torture. He closes the door and locks it. He trusts me, but not Macie yet. He climbs on the bed with me and starts to kiss me.

He does pretty much everything - kisses me, licks me, sucks my breasts and leaves me hickeys. And then it starts to get more intense.

"You never finished the job in the living room," he says. I gulp and watch as he pulls out his member again. I sigh one more time before bending down and sucking him. He groans like he did before and yanks at my hair, pulling my head closer.

"Just like that, baby, just like that," he moans. I swear in my head at him, calling him every name under the moon. I catch a glance of Macie against the wall, tears streaming down her face. I almost cry myself. I hate to do this. Even to do this to her. Zack is hers and I'm taking him away.

Zack tenses and comes in my mouth, making me gag in alarm. Some drips out of my mouth and down the side. I don't want to swallow it. I will swallow Danny's, but not Zack's. Ever. Again. I spit it out on the floor, causing Zack to laugh.

"Does it taste bad?" he asks. I nod and wipe my mouth on the shirt that he gave me. He slaps me. I gasp, cupping my reddened cheek.

"Next time you do that, you don't eat, you understand?" he asks in a harsh tone. I nod. "You will get no food for a week. You swallow and you get to eat. It's that simple. Now try again. And don't do any funny stuff or you're screwed." I nod again.

"I'm sorry Zack. I'll swallow it this time," I mumble and stroke his still hard manhood. He sighs and moans. His hips lift off of the bed, causing my hand to slide further down.

"Good girl." He moans and starts to grasp my hair again, placing my mouth back on him. This time I swallow the thick liquid and immediately need a glass of water. Zack understands and nods for me to go. I do so and run to the kitchen, soon gulping down a whole glass.

As I stand, panting against the counter, I hear screams from Macie flood the house. I close my eyes and feel tears well in my eyes. I'm tired of this. I just want to die, right now. That would be a good way out of this - death.

And maybe it's the only way.

Yeah, I know, crappy ass chapter. But hey! :D It's an upload so give meh some love! xD Byeee!

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