Peanut and the Homeless man

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Music lessons were over and Peanut with her friend English sat on the wall outside the music school waiting for her twelve-year-old brother Sebastian to join them.  They were taking Steeppan lessons and the three were supposed to walk home together.

The tiny eight year old girl, Peanut had gotten the nickname when Daddy Max, her paternal grandfather had named her such.  As he put it, she was as small as a peanut when she was born.  Her true name was Sabine, but that was only used when Peanut found herself in trouble.  Her friend English was an eight-year-old boy and his proper name was Alexander but everyone called him English because he used to have an English accent.  

 "He's forgotten us," English said.

"It looks that way." Peanut had to agree.  "Now what? My phone has no service."

"Neither does mine." English double-checked his cell phone.

"So we walk?" She suggested.

English nodded grimly and jumped off the wall, Peanut did the same.  It was only after five o'clock but since it was Christmas time the place was already dark, and school was over so the place was also deserted.  The two eight year olds hand in hand started to walk.

"Yo! Where you two off to all alone!" A voice hailed them.

They turned and saw a scruffy, dirty homeless man.

"English!" Peanut whispered.

English was bigger than Peanut so he stood between the small girl and the homeless man.  

The man walked up to them.

"We're going home," English said.

"Alone?!" the man demanded.

When they nodded, he said, "I'm coming with you." He held up his hand to stop any objection.  "You too small to be alone on the road.  You walk in-front, I'll follow."

And that is exactly what the three did. As they reached the end of the road they were met by Peanut's worried father.  "Bass came home and forgot you all!"

"Is ok, Boss man, they safe." The Hobo said.

"Who are you?" Sheldon asked.

"Everyone calls me EMT.  I used to be an EMT, but not anymore."  The man explained.

"EMT? It's me SJ!" The two men stared at each other.  "That's my daughter."

"SJ? Oh my God!!!" EMT was just as surprised.

"Look hold this and come check me tomorrow."  Sheldon offered him some money.

EMT hesitated.  "I..."

"Take it and come see me.  We need to talk, catch up and work a plan." Sheldon did not need to say what he meant. Even Peanut understood that her father wanted to help his friend.  

EMT nodded, accepted the money and walked away.

"What's an EMT?" English asked.

"Emergency Medical Technician, they provide basic emergency services in all sorts of situations," Sheldon explained.  

"Wow imagine your friend EMT was our guardian,"  English said.

 "What will you do if he doesn't come to see you?" Peanut asked.

"Then we go look for him." Sheldon was firm.  "If you are really someone's friend then you help them.  A friend is a person you may not see for years but the moment you need help there they are with no questions asked.  I was at school with EMT and I'm going to help him so he had better show up tomorrow."

"WE are going to help him." Peanut corrected.

"Yeah WE are." English agreed.

Sheldon turned the car around and they drove away.

© November 2017

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This story was inspired by
How a homeless man's selfless act changed his life posted
In the New York Post, dated 23 November, 2017 and hosted at

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