Do I Glow In The Dark Yet?

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Do I Glow In The Dark Yet?

I, Matylda (Tilly) Frost, am a mutant. I mean it in it's most literal term, I'm not a teenager with low self esteem that likes to call themselves ugly things. I am actually a mutated human being.  

My parents tested a drug that could change the structure of DNA so that they could harbour paranormal powers. The drug was ineffective on them, but when they had me I had been altered by said drug. 

My parents died of a drug related virus two years afterward and now I live with the drug creator, Dr. Kentworthy. Risky, I know, but who else would be able to understand my incontrolable powers.

"Morning Tilly," Dr. Kentworthy said blankly. He was always rather blank but I'd gotten used to it somehow. 

"Morning Mad Scientist. What pills have I gotta take this morning?" I was living on a diet of fruit, water and tons of pills. They are to stop me getting sick like my parents, and some are to restrain my powers. I personally can't tell which is which but somehow Dr. Kentworthy does. 

"They're all in the old baked bean tin," Dr. K replied. I noticed that Dr. K never buys pots, he just recycles food tins. You could probably build a bus with all the tins that Dr. K has. 

I walked over to the granate worktop and picked up the baked bean tin sitting there. I looked down to find an array of multicoloured tablets laying in the tin, they looked more like a selection of jelly beans than a selection of different medication. 

"Do I really have to swallow all of these?" I sighed.  

"Yes you do, then you need to get yourself a grapefruit. The acid in it will help the tablets work."  

I had a feeling that that day would be normal, but I'm no psychic, yet.

Man, was I wrong.

I was laying in bed reading when I heard a strange bang from downstairs. Dr. K might be a mad scientist but he doesn't ever cause an explosion. I decided that I would go and investigate. 

Silently, I crept down the stairs, keeping a watchful eye on everything. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I turned to find that the front door had been kicked in. My heart started pounding harder and harder as I crept my way across the corridor to Dr. K's lab. 

When I got to the lab the door was wide open, I had to find out what was going on. I snuck in through the open door and down more stairs. I sat down in the middle of the staircase to get a good look at what was going on. 

"All you gotta do is give me the drug," I heard a tall muscular man demand. He looked like he was in his mid thirties, he was bald and you could see the veins on his head. He was wearing a sweat stain white vest and combat trousers and boots. 

Dr. Kentworthy shook his head cautiously. What did that guy even want with the drug? The public knew it didn't work so why bother? 

I decided that I really needed to do something, I crept down the final few stairs preparing for a surprise attack. 

Before I got in an attack, the bald guy snached the drug from the doctor's hands. He was definitely on some other form of medication at the time, he was completely mental. Fiercly, he ripped the top of the bottle and swallowed all fifteen tablets at once. 

"Do I glow in the dark yet?" the man chuckled taking a breathe, I was starting to question this guy's humanity. He was insane. 

I could hear my heart beat in my ears, I was so scared of what I was about to do. I focused all my attention on my powers and stared at him, silently. The doctor told me that if I needed to use my powers I would have to focus my attention and energy, and that would give me the ability to control my powers. 

So far, it hadn't worked, I was stood staring at this stranger focusing on my powers like an idiot, or so I thought. 

But all of a sudden I felt an extreme drain of energy, I didn't know what had happened.  

"What the hell was that?" the stranger cried in deepening pain. I lost all focus and looked down at his leg, I had burned a line through his combat trousers. I had laser vision.  

"Get out or I'll do it some more!" I shouted. The stranger ran out the house immediately. I grinned. Mission accomplished. 

"What did you just do?" the doctor enquired angrily, "He knows you have powers, he could tell someone else." 

"He won't. And even if he does, noone will believe him, he had no proof." I replied smugly. 

The stranger did try to call the police, five times infact. They finally had enough and sent of to a psychiatric hospital. In my opinion, he got what he deserved. 

As for me, I learned that I have laser vision, it was a big milestone in my life, equivilant to a birthday. The doctor taught me how to control it and restrain it, and I haven't used a microwave since.

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