Capter 2

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Jacks pov.

Elsa was smiling but still had a look of worry in her eyes. "What is it ?" I asked even though I know she will just say nothing. "nothing." she said quickly. I now it I though, I look at her showing I new that was not true. she side "fine she said "I sacred I know you will never leave me but what if Anna will what then?" Her eye stared to swell up with tears, I quickly hugged her and said "Anna loves you and so do I." "What?" she said with a look of joy on her face, "you love me?" she asked. "of courses I do" i said ever sense the day I met you I have loved you you a my beautiful snow queen." Her eye swelled up with tears again "Is is something I said?" I asked, "No these are tears of joy because I love you to." she wiped her eyes and gave me a hug. I new I love was going to last forever because she was the one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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