-The Short Teacher- Students x Short! Teacher! Reader

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*Third Person P.O.V*

Students stared at the person walked through the gates,"Who's that?"

"Is she a new student?"

Whispers speared throughout the school, the mystery person walked into the school building, heading to the principal's office.

~*~*~*~* -Class 3E-

Everyone entered into the crappy, old building,"Hey guys! Have you herd of the new teacher?!" Maehara exclaimed.

"Really? I thought we were getting a new student?" Kanzaki asked,"I thought that too."

"I new teacher?" Nagisa said out loud,"I wonder if they're a guy! Just as handsome as Karasuma-Sensei!" Hinano blushed.

"I hope it's a smoking, hot chick!" Maehara yelled,"Don't get your hopes too high up." Isogai sweat-dropped.


First period has started, Koro-Sensei entered and did his roll,"Now students, today we have a special guest, they're going to be your new math teacher." He said.

Everyone started to mumble, as for Karma who was leaning back on his chair,"Please come in, Mrs.(L/N)." The door open, everyone held their breath, footsteps walked in, everyone eyes widened,"Students, this (Y/N) (L/N)." Koro-Sensei said.

Their new math teacher was wearing a black, Lolita dress:

(This is what I found, soooo..this is what you're wearing)

Her hair was in pigtails, tied up in black, laced, ribbons, she was also holding a small, black, laced, umbrella and another thing,'SHE'S SO SHORT!!' Everyone thought

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Her hair was in pigtails, tied up in black, laced, ribbons, she was also holding a small, black, laced, umbrella and another thing,'SHE'S SO SHORT!!' Everyone thought.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all.." She said..sounding quiet emotionless.


"But remember, to multiply powers with the s-"

Everyone was dazed a bit,'Is this a joke of some sort?' Nagisa thought, he scanned the room, everyone faces was really confused,'I guess this isn't.' He looked at Karma was nodding off, then listened back to your lecture.

"Can anyone simplify this? Remember, express your answer using positive exponents." You pointed out, no one raised their hands, you looked around, then you noticed a red-head in the back, sleeping,"Mr.Akabane?" You said, waking up Karma.

"Had a nice sleep? Come up and answer this please?" You said, holding out a piece of chalk, Karma got up,"Why of course (Y/N)" Karma smirked.

"Miss.(L/N)." You corrected him, he stood in front of you, he was very much taller than you, he grabbed the chalk and started writing his answer on the board.

Once he was done, he gave you back the chalk, but bending down at your height, which meant he squatted down,"Here you go teach." Karma held a slight smirk, you had your arms crossed.

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