You Made a Fool of me

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You Made a Fool Of Me Page # 1

Based on a true story

Written By: Dominique D. Sweat

Chapter 1:

I was in the lunchroom on my lunch break talking to Frank. I was actually enjoying my Shark's, because I wasn't being disturbed. I looked over at Frank and notices that he was thinking hard about something.

"Frank, what's on your mind?" I asked, wiping my fingers and mouth.

"I'm just tired of always being the last one to find out shit around here. But, you know I need you to roll with me tonight."

"Yea I know, but Frank, what time should I be back? I got to run home and get changed. I can't go to the game smelling like an old map. What do you know about the new girl, um, what's her name, Felicia?" I said, getting up and walking to trash can.

"I don't know where she came from, but you should be back by 5:15. It's Just you and me tonight. By the way, you might meet a decent Shorty from South Shore High School."

"That's who we playing? Thanks Mrs. Johnson. How much I owe you?"

"Don't you start, you don't owe anything! Sweat, you a mess, it's on the house?"

"How much I owe you Mrs. Johnson?" I asked once again with a smile on my face.

"Nothing at all, I told you it's on the house. Now gone somewhere before I throw a can at you" Mrs. Johnson said, laughing.

I couldn't help but laugh too. I couldn't help it because we where a mess together. That's our joke of the day. Everybody knew at Dyett that I get what I want. It's always funny because it was our thing.

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"Alright, I appreciate it. Frank you know what? Y'all are going to stop trying to hook me up with any and everybody." We both started laughing, slapping each other fives.

"You need to relax a little, Sweat. You know it's okay to have fun sometimes. You need to loosen up a little bit, kid. The way you going, you're going to get sick or put yourself in an earlier grave" Frank said, taking a phone call. I signal to him for a cigarette break and headed towards the door. He gave me a thumb up. He covered his phone.

"I'll meet you out there."

I walked outside and lite up a cigarette and waited for Frank. When he finally came out I throw him my lighter. Before I sat down, I grabbed my radio from my belt and put it down on the stairs as I sat down. Frank handed me my lighter back.

"Owens to Sweat, do you copy?"

"Go head Mr. Owens." I said looking at Frank

"Have you seen the girls?"

"No. they left the office with Mrs. Terry."

"10-4. Terry, do you copy?"

"Come back for Terry."

"Are the girls with you?"

"They should be arriving back to your office any minute now. We just got done in the gym."

"10-4. come back Sweat."

Frank started laughing. I grabbed my radio.

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"Go for Sweat."

"Can you come to the office?"

"I'm in route."

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