Bad Dream [Bucky Barnes x Reader]

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Standing behind the two-way mirror of the infirmary, you observed Bucky intently.

You had just arrived from a two-day mission, and had just about stepped out of the shower by the time Maria Hill informed you of what had happened. Needless to say, you hadn't even stopped to finish what you were doing, leaving the plugged hairdryer on top of the sink and running to the sick bay to see him.

Now, standing there as you were, you took in the bags under his eyes, the somber expression, and the sloping shoulders with impatience. You wanted nothing more than to go in there, hug him, and tell him that everything was going to be alright —even if you didn't really know if it would ever be... But that was what you wanted to do.

Coulson, on the other hand, had other plans. He forced your attention away from the closed door of the infirmary right as your fingers were about to grasp the doorknob, and he dragged you to that room to have a word beforehand.

"Glad to see the mission went well," he commented amicably.

Folding your arms over your chest, you looked back at him as he entered the dark room.



The agent closed the door behind him and occupied the spot next to you, staring at Bucky through the glass. Your gaze followed his. "He had a rough night. We had to keep him in here to make sure nobody else was hurt."

"Nobody else?" you inquired.

"Steve took quite the beating."

You furrowed your eyebrows. It wasn't like it really surprised you. If you had to guess the person most likely to get into a physical fight with the assassin, it'd be Steve, but that didn't make it easier to digest. Bucky had lost control, and you hadn't been there to stop him from doing something reckless.

"He heard him screaming and went to see what was going on. Found him kneeling on the floor surrounded by broken glass from the mirror." Coulson pointed at Bucky, but soon dropped his hand back to his side. "Steve tried to reason with him, but Agent Barnes here thought he was an enemy and attacked him."

A nurse walked in the room with a tray in her hands, and you found yourself holding your breath momentarily, your eyes glued to her as she left the object on an empty table in the back and disappeared through another door. All this under the intense but tired gaze of your lover.

Only when she was out of view did you relax, and Coulson took that as a sign to continue talking.

"Roger's alright, only bruised, but we had to sedate Bucky to calm him down and to be able to take care of the cuts in his arm and hand. He's been here under observation ever since."

You knew it could have happened at any moment, had almost been expecting it with PTSD being a pain in the ass and Bucky going through a rough time as of lately, but you hadn't thought about the possibility of it happening as soon as you left. You couldn't help but to wonder if that had been the trigger.

"I understand he is going through a lot and we are willing to give him the time and space he needs, but we need to see that he's interested in getting better, that he's proactive." Coulson stuffed his hands in his pants' pockets and sighed. "Fury insists that he needs to see a specialist, go to therapy."

"What if he doesn't want to?"

You tightened your grip on your right arm almost unconsciously, your eyes fixated on your lover and how his eyelids dropped as if he was about to nod off but reopened when a doctor entered the room and approached him.

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