Homecoming is great but omg I'm so tired and I've drank almost every night this week. #collegelife
Drew waited at the restaurant for Beau. He was late, as usual. She understood that he needed to workout so that he would be ready for the upcoming season that was approaching fast, but he also needed to start acting like he wanted to be getting married this coming summer.
"Hey babe." He kissed her forehead before sliding across from her.
"Do you know what you're going to having?" She was being short with him. Drew loved Beau. She loved their son too, but it didn't seem like he felt the same lately. That he was just going through the motions because he got her pregnant. Not because he actually wants to spend his life with her.
"Yeah, I do. How was your day?" He drank the water sitting in front of him, finishing the glass before the waitress could come to see if he wanted anything else to drink.
"Good, I guess. How was yours?"
"Great. Feels good to be back on the ice." Season started up in a few days, but Beau had been coming back from a minor injury. "It was nice seeing some of the guys again too." Hudson reached for his father, grabbing at his sweatshirt.
"Do you want to come sit with daddy? Yeah you do." Drew watched her fiancé take their child out of his high chair and place him in his lap.
Drew was scared when she first found out she was pregnant, because she didn't know how well Beau would do with a child of his own. At first they both had a lot to learn. They made it work, though. Once Hudson was born, the fighting died down and they were back to how they acted at the beginning of their relationship.
"So I was talking to Robert and he said that their honeymoon to England and Ireland was amazing so I was thinking we could go to England or Spain. I know how much you want to go to Alaska so that's an option too." Drew looked up from her menu with a huge smile.
"Alaska would be perfect."
"That was easy. I don't know when you're supposed to book those sorts of things, but I'll look into it."
After lunch, the three of them spent some time in the Barnes and Noble just down the street. Beau had grown to love to watch her decide what books she wanted, even if it meant they would be there for almost two hours some days.
"We leave for almost a week in a few days, do you need anything else before then?" Beau asked as he put away the groceries.
"A puppy would be cool. Maybe some, you know." She kept it g-rated in front of their son who was approaching two years fast.
"We'll talk about a puppy when I get back, as for the other." He pulled he close, gently brushing his lips against hers. They quickly pulled apart when Hudson dropped a toy on the kitchen floor.
"When he goes to bed?" She asked, not like he ever declined.
"Of course.
By the faces Beau was making, Drew knew he was done. He rolled off of her, breathless.
"Wow. That was good." He was still smiling when she got up to go to the bathroom. "Wait, where are you going? Don't you want to cuddle?"
Drew rolled her eyes, he always did this. It was the only time he ever wanted to do anything that meant they are actually engaged, or that's what it seemed anyway.
"Yeah maybe after I finish. Not like you'd care to help." She mumbled, navigating her way through the house, hoping not to wake the child.
"How is the sex not good? It used to be great. What's up with that." She complained as she stripped out of her clothes, hoping she could calm down in the shower. After a few minutes, Drew heard the door open and clothes hit the floor. Beau shortly joined her under the running water.
"I'm sorry that was selfish of me. Let me make it up."
At lunch the next day, Drew brought it up with the woman that was married to her fiancé's 'other half'. While Scarlett was shoving pasta in her mouth like her life depended on it, Drew watched, slowly eating her steak, piece by piece.
"Can I ask you a question?" Drew asked the Canadian sitting across from her.
"Do I have a choice?" She asked with a mouthful of alfredo and noodles.
"Well, yeah. But-"
"Just say it, Drew," she urged. Scarlett got annoyed when Drew did this, but learned to deal. She figured out that she couldn't be as blunt with Drew as she could with anyone else.
"Have you ever had to fake it?"
Scarlett furrowed her brow and wiped a little sauce from her cheek before finishing her water. "Fake it in what context? Cause I fake confidence every day."
"No. Like, fake it. In bed." Drew looked down, pushing the vegetables on her plate around with the knife.
"Oh. No. Why would I? If he isn't performing the way I want, he should know. Why? Things not going right with Sunshine?" She wiggled her eyebrows, making Drew uncomfortable.
"The passion just isn't there anymore."
"Kink it up." Drew's eyes widened and her face turned bright red. "Oh boy, I'm sorry. You're a lot more innocent than I thought. I thought you really liked sex." Scarlett was trying hard not to laugh, but failed. "Okay. Um. Just talk to him about it."
"I've tried. He thinks things are fine."
"No. You have to sit him down and be like if the sex isn't good, there will be none. He'll start trying."
"He'll start trying elsewhere." Drew whispered. She hated the thought of Beau cheating, but it was always in the back of her mind.
"Nahh. I'll kick his ass and let's be honest. I'm scarier than Robert." The waitress brought the check and Scarlett gave her card. "My treat."
Drew walked back to her car, wondering what to do about the whole situation with her fiance. She loved him. She knew he loved her. It just wasn't the same as it used to be. It felt like she was getting taken for granted. Again.
As she got to the door of her home, she could hear Beau and Hudson laughing about something. She walked inside to see a yellow ball of fluff running towards her.
"You got me a puppy?" She sat down in front of the open door, letting the new animal lick her face. "You're so cute. What's your name?"
"We were thinking Hubert."
"Hubert, you are my new love." She played with the golden retreiver's ears, wishing she could have a blanket as soft as his hair.
"Huds wants to watch Hercules." The little boy started clapping his hands and running over to his mother.
"Well then I guess we're watching Hercules before mommy cooks dinner." Hudson ran into the den, puppy following behind.
Beau held out a hand to help up his fiancee. Once she was on her feet, he tilted up her chin and kissed her. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss but was interrupted by the yelling of the child waiting to watch his favorite movie.
Drew grabbed a blanket and cuddled up next to Beau while their son sat on the over-sized recliner with his new pet. She thought about bringing up what she had talked to Scarlett about, but moments like these were becoming rare and she didn't want to ruin it.
Secrets // SFR&TM Sequel
FanfictionThe relationships won't work with all these secrets. Finished: December 2014