I stretched, curling my toes and arching my back as I let out an extensive and unnecessarily loud yawn. I turned sideways, cracking and popping my back, getting a satisfied feeling on doing so. I look at the calendar, groaning. It was Monday, October 5th, 1926. That meant my two-day vacation was gone and I had to go back to hunting wizards and witches. I slip on my slippers and tie on my bathrobe and shuffle on down the stairs, yawning once more. I set the copper kettle on the woodstove and grab a teabag from the box sitting on the shelf above the sink. I look around my small yet cozy and somewhat cluttered house.

"I need to do some cleaning but I'm not very good at cleaning spells..." I sigh, bringing out my wand which was made of 11 1/2" ash wood, unicorn hair center with unyielding flexibility.

"Scourgify!" I swish my wand in an "s" shape and things magically start floating across the room and into their proper places...almost. I surge forward to catch a book that nearly fell into the sink. I sigh and set it on a bookshelf next to the front door. I run the sink and fill up a plant waterer and go around my house watering my plants and giving them a bit of plant food. I batted away a green tendril of a plant that belonged to a Devil's Snare. I watered it and gave it a pound of meat to attack and enjoy. My kettle started whistling, signifying that my water was done boiling. I picked up the kettle and poured the boiling water into the tea mug and waited for the tea to seep into the water. While I was waitinf for the tea to set, I retreated back to my room to dress. A white blouse, blue coat, pantyhose, and a black knee length business skirt to complete my usual Ministry of Magic attire. There were no cases for me today so there was no reason for me to dress in my more shambled clothing.

I carefully cradled my mug in my hands and sat down on a worn seat.

"Ministry doesn't pay enough..." I grumbled, feeling a spring poke my tailbone. I look at my wizarding clock and realized I only had five minutes to report into my boss. I jumped up and dunked my hand into the green floo powder and threw it into the flames of my fireplace. I stepped in after making sure I had my wand and my identification. Within seconds I was spinning through the network. I was careful to not breathe in any of the ash. I landed gracefully in the fireplace right in my office. I dusted myself off and sat down, acting like I was in my office the entire time and not three minutes late. My boss opened the door and looked at me.

"Don't give me that look, Roche, I can see the Floo network. Late, again." I scowl at my boss.

"The hell do you want, Dylan?" I ask, bringing my ink well and quill from a desk drawer as well as criminal files.

"I've got a special case for you. It's an emergency and MACUSA from the US is asking for help to track down a highly dangerous wizard, a magizoologist by the name of Newton Scamander. He's set dozens of magical beasts into the muggle world and has shown magic in front of muggles and hasn't obliviated them at all." Dylan Sherman slapped a file onto my desk. It was a relatively thin file meaning he had a clean case so far. I open it and scan his file quickly.

Highly dangerous and armed. I smirked a little to myself. He didn't look dangerous but at the same time, many suspects didn't look very dangerous. I leaned back in my chair.

"Out of every Auror here, you've chosen me. Why?" I ask, looking straight into those beady black eyes of Dylan.

"1. No one else is available at the moment and you're the only one to get to since this is an urgent matter, and 2. You've hunted down wizards and witches like no other Auror here. You may not be the greatest at capturing them and keeping them caught, but MACUSA will be able to do that part." Dylan said, placing his hands on my desk and leaning forwards. "You'll be paid 2,000 Galleons if you complete this mission within the week."

"2,000 Galleons..." I thought, "better than the bloody pay I get now." I look at him and stand up.

"I'll take the bloody mission."

"Good, get packing. I'm sending you off on a ship in thirty minutes. We need to get that damned wizard down! He's a threat to our kind in exposing us and a threat to the muggles." Dylan threw in a handful of Floo powder and shoved me in and told me to get going.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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