Chapter 3-Some very rude awakenings

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Ben woke up a few minutes after everyone was sound asleep and without making a sound moved himself and his sleeping equipment to the left side of Jeff's rafter, he knew that soon enough Jeff would check all he had to do was wait for him to notice...

Jeff woke up and checked the right side first, everything was as it should be, Liu was fast asleep below him and everyone else was in their own favourite sleeping areas, he rolled over and checked the left side at first glance everything was okay but look again...oh no that's not allowed Ben was what passed through his mind when he saw what Ben had done...he sat up, pulled his legs clear of his covers, stood up on the rafter and jumped, landing on top of Ben who hadn't expected Jeff to do that,

"Dude! What in the name of my homeland are you doing!" was soon shouted out of shock,

"No-one, except Liu, sleeps under this rafter, this is why..." is all Jeff said through gritted teeth.

To make a long story short they were soon in the middle of a fight and made such a racket that everyone else woke up and the proxies had to once again separate them, but knew only too well that Ben had brought it upon himself for sleeping in an area that he knew would wind Jeff up,

"Ben, why did you do that, you know what Jeff's like about this..." Masky didn't need to say any more on the subject, 

"Yeah, and you caused a fight which is bad enough without waking the entire group up...but you did that as well." was what Hoodie had to say on it,

"Also, if this is to get back at Jeff for earlier that's solid proof that you're a coward, because this is a pathetic way of getting vengeance, and you've ended up in trouble...was it really worth it?" was all Ticci Toby could think to say and ask,

Ben tried to explain,"Okay, I knew he was touchy about it, but I didn't think he'd jump on me...I just thought he'd tell me to move." but Ben might as well of tried talking to a brick wall as it got him nowhere near proving Jeff was in the wrong as fact it did the opposite as Liu asked,

"Are you okay little's just that you seem hurt."

Jeff did seem hurt as he was shaking and looked like he was about to collapse,

"I-I think I broke my leg...I must of landed in a strange hurts like anything." he winced.

Soon enough Jeff's leg was in a plaster covering and he was sleeping next to Liu as slendy and the proxies said it was too risky for him to sleep on the rafter and as for Ben he was thrown out for the day and left in disgrace.

A short (and slightly humorous) creepypasta storyWhere stories live. Discover now