Chapter 1

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"I'm leaving with or without you!" Her brother shouted to y/n as he sighed annoyed. "What do you mean? I've been waiting for you." She said from behind him. He turned around startled. Y/n shook her head. "Let's go then." She said going out the front door. Their parents had made them go to Okta House and celebrate her brother's return from his training. Areum had been training with a family friend ever since he was six. And boy, was y/n jealous. All she ever wanted was to train too, but her father denied. Time and time again.

Once they go to Okta House, it was clear their family was the hot topic in the Capitol. Because once they crossed those doors, every single girl changed color. And every guy, tried not to smirk at y/n. The Lee family was known for being one of the most beautiful and wealthy. People stepped aside for them to walk by.

"Look at him! He's so cute!"

"I have never seen someone so beautiful!"

"Areum is truly amazing!"

"He's the best!"

Girls would squeak out as they both passed. Y/n would sigh in annoyance while Areum maintained a blank face. He was by far the most ignorant and heartless person y/n knew. He didn't care about anyone else except himself and his family's tittle. They walked to their reserved table and sat. That's when someone else walked in. It was Kim Soo Ho. One of the bravest and most flirtiest men y/n had ever met. He was very attractive, though. Even she seemed to recognize that. Areum watched him with no interest. As if Areum was way more powerful than Soo Ho.

After going through another tunnel of compliments, Soo Ho finally arrived at the Lee's table. He looked at Areum with a welcoming face. "Wow. You look different." He said constructively. Areum lifted his chin and looked at him. "And you look the same." He responded with no emotion in his voice. Soo Ho smiled. "I'm glad that I haven't changed." He replied with calmness. That's when someone else came through the doors that made everyone else gasp. Before Soo Ho turned around to see who it was, he glanced at y/n and gave her his famous eye smile with a small bow. Then he turned and met himself with another popular and hot male from the Capitol. It was Park Ban Ryu. Handsome, strong, tall, and very serious. He was almost like Areum. Almost.

He came face to face with Soo Ho and wrinkled his nose in disgust. "I can't believe I need to see your face here." Ban Ryu said as he turned away from Soo Ho. But Soo Ho wasn't done with him yet, and was not going to let himself get humiliated like that. "Do you think I fancy you that much? Do you really wish I love to see you?" Ban Ryu paused walking, but didn't face Soo Ho. "Of course you do." He said with not a single drop of feelings in his tone. That's when Areum stood and looked at both of them. "Honestly, you both are pathetic." Then he moved down the people and into the bar. Y/n sighed and stood seated in her chair. That's when someone took her brother's seat. She turned to look at him. It was Soo Ho. And he was smiling very sweetly.

"You look beautiful tonight, y/n."

Y/n smiled at him. "Thank you. But I bet that girl over there took a lot more time getting ready for tonight than me." Soo Ho snorted. "What's that suppose to mean?" Y/n looked at the girl she was talking about. Her hair had least fifty pins and her face at least two layers of powder. And her dress, she must've taken hours to pick. "It means you should be flirting with someone that wants someone instead of me." Soo Ho smirked at her. "And you don't want someone?" Y/n gave him a sad smile. "You are very handsome, Soo Ho. But I don't desire someone at the moment. I am sorry." With that she stood and left the Okta House. Her brother had left her behind surely she could do the same.

As she walked, most of the people would bow at her with a sweet smile. Sometimes she just wanted to say, no stop it. But that would mean her death. Her father would rant to her about being a big disgrace and stuff. She did not want to deal with another idiot right now. When she got to a bench, someone else sat next to her. The person sighed.

"Ah. What a beautiful night. Nothing would welcome me better back home than to have tea with my best friend at a tea shop." Y/n frowned. She had a best friend that had left the Capitol to go see her grandma that had grown ill. She had been gone for months now. And she missed her a lot. Hae Won was the only one that understood her and supported her in anything reckless she wanted to do. Hae Won was a big fan of tea and would prefer a cup of tea over any duck stew. When y/n looked up at the person, she felt like if the whole universe had heard her thoughts. Because right next to her, was Hae Won. She was smiling frantically and looking at her with the same stars in her eyes.

"H-Hae W-Won?" Y/n said confused.

"Miss me?" She said extending her arms in the air.

"Hae Won!" Y/n said crushing her into a hug. She hugged her so tight, for she thought if she would let go, she wouldn't be there. Hae Won squeezed her back. "Aw! Y/n I missed you so much!" They pulled apart and laughed. "I can't believe you are back!" Y/n said with tears in her eyes. "Well, yeah. Just came back today. I heard Areum came back today too." Y/n rolled her eyes. "Don't even mention him. Whatever. Tell me! How is it outside the Capitol! I've always wanted to go! How's your grandma?" Hae Won grabbed her hand. "My grandma, she passed away." She said as a tear ran down her cheek. Y/n sighed and pulled her into a hug. "I am so sorry, Hae Won. I truly am." Hae Won pulled back smiling as she wiped her tears. "But I am happy she's in a better place now. And she told me not to worry before she died. She told me not to worry because she was ready. She was leaving happy." Y/n squeezed her hand. "Oh, for goodness sake. How about we go to a tea place. I've been dying to drink Capitol tea again." Y/n nodded as they both got up. And the whole way to the tea shop they kept pushing each other and laughing at old stuff before Hae Won left.

They arrived at the tea shop and took their favorite seats. The ones on the second floor with an overview of the shop. Hae Won sighed. "Ah. I missed this place so much." Y/n smiled sadly. Hae Won noticed her face. "What's wrong?" She asked pushing her playfully and wrapping her arm around y/n's shoulders. Y/n sighed. She could tell Hae Won, right? She could tell her about everything. After they had brought their tea, y/n began to talk.

"Hae Won, is it bad to want to train like my brother?" Hae Won sipped from her tea and sighed.

"I remember the first day I met you. It was in the woods. You were building a bow and your own arrows with some twigs you had found on the floor. When you saw me, you fell on your bottom because you were startled. I told you not to worry because I wouldn't tell anyone your secret, for I had a sword of my own. I build it myself as well. That's what made us friends, y/n. We thought the same way." Y/n smiled remembering her seven year old self and Hae Won. There were tears in her eyes. Hae Won had never let her down. She had always been there for her. And her for Hae Won.

"So no. It's not bad wanting to train and learn how to defend yourself. I can guarantee you, one out of ten girls walking down the street are pretty much capable of being abused because they can't defend themselves." Y/n nodded. Hae Won was right. She always was. "You are right, Hae Won. But how can I start training with nobody to train me? I mean, really, who in this darn Capitol would want to train a girl?" Y/n said feeling defeated. That's when Hae Won grabbed her by the shoulders and looked straight into her eyes. "Hey! I'm not giving up on you. I have a plan. I've been planning it since I was seven. The day I met you, I knew it was my job to keep my trustworthy friend happy. And that's what I am going to do." Y/n frowned at her. "Have you really planned something since we first met?" Hae Won let her go and laughed. "I haven't finished the plan yet. But I have thrown away at least one hundred ideas that kept coming out as a fail." Hae Won pointed at y/n's tea. "Drink up. This tea is one of the main reasons I came back to this Capitol." She said drinking her own. Y/n frowned and smirked at her. "One of the main reasons?" Hae Won nodded with a grin. Once they finished their tea, they paid and left the tea shop.

When they went out, Hae Won nearly had a heart attack. Y/n looked at her perplexed. "What is it?" Hae Won had gone completely red. "Do you have a fan with you?" Y/n looked at her weirdly. "No. And why would you want a fan? It's fresh out here." Hae Won pulled y/n from her hand and whispered into her ear, "Remember I said one of the reasons was the tea?" Y/n nodded still with no idea of what was going on. "Well, that  is another reason." She pointed at a glowing, handsome, tall man. He had the most airbrushed face and his features were just breathtaking. It was none other than Yeo Wool in person. He was considered the most beautiful person in Silla.  While Hae Won was still trying to pull herself together, Y/n felt her own cheeks grow warm. "He's getting closer." Hae Won said with a squeaky voice y/n had never heard before. With a deep breath, Hae Won stood up straight and pretended not to notice. "Act natural." She whispered to y/n who was looking at her with a smirk.

Just as Yeo Wool walked by them, he caught sight of them and locked his eyes for a brief moment with Hae Won before waving at both of them with a small smile while he kept walking. Hae Won felt like her heart was about to jump put of her chest. Once he disappeared, it was as if she had won a pound of gold. The girl had gone crazy. "Did you see?! He looked at me! And not only that, but he waved too!" Y/n grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the shop.

Once Hae Won got over her little moment with Yeo Wool, she returned to her usual self. "So, what do you plan on doing?" She asked y/n as they walked side by side. Y/n stopped walking and bit her lip. "My family would never let me be who I want to be. So that's why I have to be who I want to be on my own." Hae Won placed both of her hands in y/n's and sighed. "Y/n, I know how much you want this. And maybe this plan is the only way of getting what you want and what I want." Y/n grinned at her. "And what do you want? More smiles and one-second looks from Yeo Wool?" Hae Won laughed. "Aside from that, I want to see you happy. You are like the sister I never had. So therefor, I want you to really consider this plan." Y/n trusted Hae Won with her life. She knew Hae Won wouldn't make her do anything without her approval. "I can't guarantee you anything, but to trust me." Y/n sucked in a deep breath and nodded. "Alright. What should I do first?" Hae Won bit her lip. She looked pretty sad. "This might be the hardest step of all." Y/n shrugged her shoulders. "I don't care." Hae Won sighed and became serious.

"Y/n, you have to run away from home."

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