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One month later...

Everyday Kalim saw Rosealeana.
She would come in at around 6 am, set her laptop down, set up her things, then order a black coffee.
Once she ordered her coffee, and had the aromatic and scolding drink in her hands, she would take a sip, wrinkle her nose, then start her work.

Kalim never knew what she was doing on that computer, but he has slowly figured out what kind of person she was.
When Rosealeana passes by to grab her coffee or a napkin, what Kalim's ears couldn't tell him- his nose did.

The smell of paint and old books, was steeped into her clothing, meaning she was new, possibly painting a new apartment and that she surrounded herself with paper.

Books Kalim deducted.

He could smell the leather covers and the scent of old paper.

By the scent of her shampoo, she was more into natural products, and the musk of her expensive perfume revealed her classiness.

Though these scents helped Kalim read people, he couldn't be sure these identified her.
She seemed different than others he tried to read. She would reveal a part of her personality every time he saw her, which made him question his deducing skills.

For about a month after that first day Rosealeana showed up with her supplies and worked for hours.

Some days she would be there before Kalim, others she would be later and show up in sweatpants and her round glasses, hiding her dark circles.

He couldn't help but chuckle this morning when she walked in with a messy bun, and a tired expression, with the addition of her glasses and a makeup-free face.
She shuffled to her usual table and set down her things. Today, however she did not get up to order coffee, she instead, nodded off to sleep.

Kalim sighed a laugh, and stood to the counter.

"Could you get a black coffee for the girl over there?" He signed to Nancy.

Nancy nodded with a smile, but then with a confused face signed back "why don't you give it to her yourself?"

Kalim blushed quickly before replying.

"I have to leave soon," he signed quickly.

"Sure," Nancy signed with a knowing look.

"I'm not lying, I am meeting my mom for lunch."

Nancy nodded "be good."

Kalim smiled and nodded before returning to his seat to pack his things.

It was 6:45, and he had an hour drive to see his mother, so he had to leave to beat traffic.
As he walked out the door, he took one last glance to the sleeping girl before smiling and walking out.

Little did he know, Nancy watched him from behind the counter with a knowing smile as she made the coffee for Rosealeana.

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