Part 12

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After 3 days of the 5 bonding they finally got a message from Akira, she said that they needed to go to another house across town. It will probably take an hour at most to reach there, they packed Jungkooks bag and refilled on food supplies, they set off to meet the next Element bearer, and according to Akira it was the light element.

They left their house at 10am, according to Jungkook it was a good time to do things, Jungkook was happy, he would finally have something to do, he would finally be epic, show his mum her sacrifice was not in vain. He was still thinking about how his life had just changed, maybe he would be happier. Maybe he would finally find peace of mind after saving the world. Cruel fate it was, The fire Element bearer, and to think the fire took something so precious away from him.

They spent the rest of the journey talking about random things. It amused Jimin how quickly the conversation would shift from one thing to another. One minute they would be talking about the mission, the other they would try see who can hold their breath the longest.

After what seemed like hours due to the unbearable heat they arrived at an average looking house, it had beautiful flowers in the front and the house was pink. This time Taehyung Knocked on the door. They were met with a man in who looked to be in his mid 40s, he raised an eyebrow at the boys Taehyung then started speaking.

'Sorry to disturb you sir, but have you heard anything about the 7 Elements?' the rest of the boys mentally face palmed themselves, but then the man nodded his head ans spoke in a deep voice

'Yes, I have, come in please'

The five boys silently entered the house, taking of their shoes at the front as a sign of respect. They were led into a living room, Their sat a boy with broad shoulders and a handsome face watching K-Drama on TV. The 5 boys bowed at the boy. The boy bowed back, he looked like a boy who was still in his teen years and had blonde hair. He bowed back and invited them to sit down. They all sat down and turned to the man who they assumed to be the boys Father, he appeared to know exactly why they were here, he nodded to them as a sign for them to speak.

Namjoon spoke, being the oldest, The boy who introduced himself as Seokjin also turned of the TV seeing how important this was. Namjoon cleared his throat and started 

'I think you are aware of the Elements of life, and why we have come here to today' The man nodded and spoke next

'Your here for the Element of light I see, the current possessor is my son, but how can I be so sure that you guys will help protect him?  How can i be sure you guys aren't just imposers? Its happened before' he finished with a sigh. Namjoon hesitated, not knowing what to say. Taehyung, seeing the boys hesitation, continued for him.

'Would it help you if all of us show you our powers, and then will you let him come with us?'

'ahhhhhhhh' The man replied 'I don't see why not, some to the backyard, Jin you too'

with that all the boys were lead them outside. There the boys began their show. Namjoon lifted the smallest rocks and created a huge boulder, Taehyung zapped it with a lightning strike that came out of no where, Jungkook set it on fire, Jimin took out the fire with  gush of water, the grass and plants around the giant rock was burnt. Their Hoseok summoned the grass to revive itself, beautiful flowers grew in seconds, making for a beautiful ending, Namjoon waved his hand and all the rock pieces went back to their original places.

The entire time the man was standing their, witnessing the boys. He knew that they were the real deal, they were going to take his beloved son away. Jin, on the other hand, was standing their in amazement, he grew believing that superheroes and their powers were fake, he looked at his father for an explanation, but he just looked away guiltily, avoiding eye contact.

They all went back to the living room, there the boys, with the help of Jins dad, started explaining what was going on, what the Elements were. Even Akira and the magic watch. Jin was afraid, no, that was an understatement, he was petrified. He knew this was a chance for him to chase his dreams, a chance for him to stay on his own and make  his life his, be in control of his own life. He was ready. He zoned out for a minute, his name was called out.

'Jin' Jin looked up and was met with the worried face of his father 'I know I haven't told you before, but this is up to you. Do you want to go? The bracelet contains the gem. Do you want to do this?'

Jin hesitated, he thought about his wish, how he could be saving two worlds, he then looked at the other 5 boys looking at him expectantly, they left their homes, they could be on the other side of the country, he needed to do this.

'Yes, I'll do it' With that the 5 boys faces broke into grins, they all ran up to him and started talking about random things, introducing themselves properly and whatnot. Whilst the boys went to Jin, Hoseok went to his father 'I can't even imagine how hard this will be for you, thank you for letting him come with us.'

the man smiled at the caring boy 'Don't worry about it, would you like a place to sleep for tonight, maybe set out in two days time. Help my son pack, grow a bit closer, it would help me tremendously'

Hoseok smiled at the older man 'That would help us a lot' we should thank you'

'Go bond with him, dinners on us' With that he smiled and left, Hoseok watched him walk away, smiled and went to the others.


I have nothing to do in the summer holidays so I'm just gonna update this whenever I can because I am soooooooooo excited for the plot, when they all meet SO YEAH

Okie Baiiiiiii

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