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Picture is Noelle (far left) and Harley (far right)

"Oh, well that's much better!" The approving look my mother gave me only added to my mood. Not only was I still in pain, but the dress I was wearing showed my road rash. I felt bad for my mom, and hoped no one would ask questions. These fancy open houses were her entire life. The houses were designed for rich people or famous people who needed privacy. The entire mansion area was surrounded by the best security money could buy, and all of the windows were tinted enough that no one could snap a picture of someone in their house. I actually enjoyed going to the open houses and seeing all the fancy houses, even if I was only supposed to be there to carry a tray of cocktail shrimp and wine flutes.

"Thanks." I said, giving my mom a tight smile. My dress was a coral colored piece with a sweetheart neckline. I only knew that from the episodes of Say Yes to The Dress I'd watched with my mom. I wore a pair of gold sandals with it and my hair hung loosely at my shoulders for once. I didn't care much for makeup, but I'd applied a little mascara to please my mother.

The house was beautiful, and I turned to my best friend Harley with an excited grin. She'd driven me to the place and agreed to stay only if she was allowed to drink the champagne, and I'd happily agreed. Carrying trays around for people all night was exhausting. Harley wore a tight-fitting black dress that flared out at about her ribs. It was extremely short, but it was also really classy and no one would ask questions.

As the place started filling up with people, it was time for Harley and me to start walking around offering people cocktail shrimp and little brownie bites. My mother's rule was that people shouldn't drink on an empty stomach, so they should all at least have something before we bring out the wine. I was used to the routine, but Harley was not. As people we'd seen in magazines started showing up, she'd gawk at them or ask for a picture. I had to remind her constantly that they were here to look at a house for more privacy, and that she was defeating the point.

I was just heading back towards the kitchen when a familiar face caught my eye. Wes and Keaton were here, and they were talking to my mom. Awkwardly, I kept my head low and tried to walk past without being noticed, but my mother had other plans.

"Noelle!" Her voice came out all happy and such, but I knew that it was just an act. These events might be her life, but they always stressed her out. Huffing, I made my way over to the group of people surrounding her, though I refused to make eye contact with either of the boys.


"You can bring out the wine now. But make sure everybody only gets one glass, if possible."

"I'll help her." Wes offered, trying his hardest to catch my gaze.

"That's not necessary." Stepping back, I turned to leave again.

"Please, I insist!" Wes was already linking his arm through mine and dragging me towards the kitchen. Gasping, I yanked my arm out of his grip.

"That hurt, you idiot!" Several people turned to stare at me, but I hardly noticed. Before he could respond, I stomped off towards the kitchen.

Of course he followed me, but he seemed less persistent as he helped me fill the wine flutes and load them onto trays in silence. I, however, don't like it when it's completely silent.

"Are you going to tell me what you're doing here?" I asked finally. Wes' expression brightened at my interest, and he turned to face me, leaning back on the counter.

"We're looking for a house, of course." The challenging expression he wore only drove me further towards asking the question he was waiting for.

"Why would you need one of these houses?" I quirked a brow curiously. There was no way a boy his age was able to afford such a house unless he was disgustingly rich.

"Try not to be too impressed," He said cockily. "But I'm in a band."

"So?" A lot of people were in bands.

"So it's a relatively successful band, and I'm surprised you don't know who I am." He scooted a little closer to me, as if he now had a pass to be close to me because of his band's status.

"Wesley Stromberg?!?" Harley was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, an empty tray in hand. She quickly rushed forward, as if trying to inspect him.

"Uh, yeah." Wes rubbed his jaw awkwardly. "And you are?"

"Harley." I was the one who'd spoken her name, cutting her off. "That's my best friend Harley, and we should really start serving the wine." I said quickly. "It was nice seeing you again, though." I figured if I added that, he wouldn't get too offended. Grabbing Harley, I pulled her over to me and handed her a tray full of wine flutes.

"Well jeez." She muttered, taking the tray and following me out. I didn't have to look back at her to know she'd probably taken one last glance at Wes before acting like a sad puppy going to its kennel.

"What did I tell you about giving famous people their space?" I snapped as she walked alongside of me, handing wine to anyone who asked.

"How come I have to follow the rules but you don't have to?" She retorted, causing me to shoot her a look.

"How was I not following the rules, exactly?" I hadn't asked anyone for pictures or got up in their personal space even once.

"You and Wesley could have held a magazine up between you two. Why didn't you tell me you were shacking up with a pop star?"

"I'm not!" I exclaimed, looking at her like she was insane. "How could you even think that?"

"Well, he seems pretty into you. Maybe you should start shacking up with the pop star." Harley suggested before handing a balding man a glass of wine. He immediately started gulping it down like he was dying of thirst. I was going to have to talk to my mom about getting cheaper wine, by how fast people were going through this stuff.

"I'm not sleeping with Wes. He just gave me a ride home earlier because I fell off my board and into the street." I was then reminded of how my board was broken, and I gave her a little pout.

"Oh, that's why you're all cut up." She said thoughtfully. "I'd just assumed you were mauled by a bear." Someone behind us chuckled and I glanced back to find Keaton smiling to himself. He'd obviously heard Harley, and I sent her a glare.

"Ha. Ha." I muttered.

Soon, people started filing out of the huge house. These events didn't last long, but they definitely took their toll on us. By the time the house was just about empty, Harley and I were collapsed on the carpeted stairs. The clicking of my mother's heels could be heard, as well as the heavy thuds of two other people. My mother along with Keaton and Wes came into view. Harley seemed to perk up at the exact moment that I frowned.

"Oh, good. You're still here." My mom said, walking over to us. I nodded before resting my chin against my hand. "This boy says you are all friends." She said, gesturing to Wes. Just as I opened my mouth to correct her, Harley spoke up.

"Yes, yes we are!" She batted her long lashes at my mom, who gave her a weird look. I groaned and stared at the floor.

"Anyway, they told me that they're having a party tonight, and they wanted to know if you'd like to tag along." Her expression was one of utter happiness, and I had never felt for disgusted. "Isn't that nice of them?"

"Very nice, yes." Harley agreed, pulling herself up from the steps so she was eye-level with everyone.

"I actually have some homework I need to do," I was bad at lying on the spot.

"We're going, Noah." I flinched at the embarrassing nickname she chose for me. It was beyond me how she got Noah out of Noelle, but it'd stuck. Sighing, I let her pull me up off of the steps. My mother was the one to lead us out of the house, and she gave me a quick hug before leaving. If only I had a protective mother. 

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