Chapter 1

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Tonight has been amazing and I can't wait to see what happens in me and Chance's future. Team 10 is moving in a few weeks, the twins first birthday is coming up, and not to mention I'm finally a Sutton. Life the past year has been crazy, but it all comes good in the end, and believe me, I should know. Because I have my best friend, husband, and family by my side.


*3 months later*

Chance: Ok! Blow out the candles u 2!

Noah: *laughs*

Savannah: *starts spitting at the candle*

Tessa: *laughs*

Jake: I'll help them! *blows out candles*

Chance: Wow Jake.

Tessa: *smiles and takes picture* First birthday down in the books.

Erika: Not yet! We can't forget about presents!

Chance: More presents!? These kids are already spoiled. *laughs and picks up Noah*

Tessa: For once I actually agree with Chance. *laughs and picks up Savannah*

Logan: Me first! Me first!

Chance: I guess Logan goes first.

Logan: Yes! *hands present*

Tessa: *unwraps it* Awww! It's a monkey with and N and a elephant with and S!

Chance: Their favorite animals!

Tessa: Thanks Logan!

Logan: No prob.

Jake: Me and Rik now!

Chance: Watch it be merch.

Tessa: *laughs*

Jake: Come on I'm not that predictable.

Chance: *opens gift*

Tessa: Woah! Actually?

Erika: Have them try it on!

Chance: *puts dog tag necklace on Noah*

Tessa: *puts bracelet on Savannah*

Jake: We got you guys matching ones too.

Chance: Geez this must've cost a lot.

Jake: Eh. 1k isn't too much.

Tessa: 1k!?

Erika: I told him not too.

Jake: I can do what I want with my money thank you.

Erika: Next thing I know you're going to buy a horse or something.

Jake: Who knows?

Tessa: *laughs* Thanks Jake.

*skip everyone else's presents*

Chance: Wow these kids really are spoiled. Thanks guys.

Team 10: you're welcome!

Tony: But we have one last surprise.

Erika: *hands plane tickets * You guys are going on a 2 day trip to Vegas!

Chance: What?

Jake: And we packed your bags! *grabs suitcases*

Tessa: Guys we really don't need to.

Alissa: You guys haven't had a decent night together without the twins since you got married. Just go! Have fun like other 22 year olds would!

Chance: Are you guys sure?

Jake: Positive. Go have fun!

Logan: But not too much fun!

Chance: No promises.

Tessa: *playfully slaps*

Chance: I'm always getting slapped no fair!

Tessa: Deal with it Sutton.

Chance: Watch your mouth Sutton. Or I'll tickle you.

Tessa: What?!

Chance: *grabs Tessa and starts tickling her*

Tessa: *laughing* Chance! Chance stop!

Chance: Apologize Tess!

Tessa: *laughing* Ok! I'm sorry!

Chance: *stops* Thank you!

Tessa: I love you. You know that?

Chance: I do. And I love you. *kisses Tessa*

Tessa: *kisses Chance*

Jerika: AWWW!

Jake: Oh my god we did it again!

Erika: Noooo!

Tony: This is every day with you guys. *laughs*

Chance: *laughs* It's fine. So...ready to go?

Tessa: Yup! Thanks again guys!

Erika: No problem! Now go have fun!

Chessa: *walk out the door*

Tessa: Ready for the best two days of our life!?

Chance: Maybe not the best.

Tessa: What? Why?!

Chance: Meeting you was the best day of my life.

Tessa: Aw Chance.

Chance: Yeah I know! I'm great!

Tessa: Yeah, yeah. But we have to get to LAX so let's go!

Chance: Fineee.

Tessa: I always win.

Chance: Yeah, Whatever. *smiles*

Tessa: *smiles*

OMG! FIRST CHAPTER OF THE NEW BOOK! AHH! OMG! HELP! THIS IS INANSE! Sorry for not posting this earlier but this week has been stressful because I had my first ever volleyball game (AND WE WON) So I'm rly happy! Enjoy the first chapter and remember...




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