Chapter 2

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Tessa: Chance we're going to be late!

Chance: You wanted Starbucks!

Tessa: And you wanted pretzels!

Chance: Ok, that's fair. *takes a bite of pretzel*

Tessa: Just try and keep up.

Chance: Pff. Please. Ohio boy is way faster than you Cali girl.

Tessa: If we weren't in a rush I would slap you.

Chance: Wow Love you too.

Tessa: *smiles*

Chance: Ok here's our gate. Care to slap me now?

Tessa: *playfully slaps*

Chance: *smiles*

Flight attendant: You guys on the flight to Las Vegas?

Tessa: Yes we are.

Flight attendant: Ok go right ahead. Not many people are on this flight.

Chance: Ok. Thank you.

*On the plane*

Tessa: I'm excited!

Chance: Me too! We haven't had quality time together without the twins for a year.

Tessa: I know! That's crazy to me!

Chance: Me too.

*flight takes off*

Chance: So we have about an 1 and a half. Any requests? *takes out laptop*

Tessa: Hmmm. The office?

Chance: Good pick. *starts the office*

*1 hour later*

Tessa: *leans on Chance's shoulder*

Chance: *smiles*

Tessa: *looks up* What?

Chance: Nothing. Just thinking.

Tessa: About?

Chance: How do I ever deserve you?

Tessa: How do I deserve you, ice age squirrel. *smiles*

Chance: *smiles*

Flight attendant: We are 20 minutes from our destination. So we will be in Las Vegas very shortly.

Tessa: What are we going to do first?!

Chance: Hmm. Well we could go to the casino. Or maybe to the pool.

Tessa: What about a club?!

Chance: A club?

Tessa: Come on! you know I've always wanted to go to one! But I never did since I've been dating you!

Chance: ...Swear If anything happens, you come and get me?

Tessa: I swear on my life!

Chance: ...Fine. We can go to a club.

Tessa: Yes! Thank you!

Chance: You're welcome Tess.

Tessa: First Things first, we find our hotel!

Chance: Yeah. That's probably a good plan. *laughs*

*20 minutes later and the plane lands*

Tessa: Oh my god! We're finally here!

Chance: We've been here once before!

Tessa: Yeah when we got "married".

Chance: I found that to be pretty fun. *laughs*

Tessa: Me too. So I'll call and Uber and-

???: Mr and Mrs.Sutton?

Chance: Uhhh Yeah? That's us.

???: Sorry to bother you, but I have a limo for you guys outside.

Chessa: Jake. *laughs*

Tessa: Ok! So are you the limo driver?

Limo driver: Yes I am. But you have one other passenger.

Tristan: *rolls down window* Get in losers! We're going to your hotel!

Chessa: Tristan!

Tessa: We haven't seen you since you got that role in your movie!

Tristan: I heard you guys were in town. So I decided why not surprise you in this limo that Jake got? *laughs*

Chance: This is actually so cool! So how's it been going man?

Tristan: Great actually. It's different here, but it's also really fun.

Tessa:  That's Good.

Limo driver: Are you all ready to go?

Chessa: Yes!! *goes in the limo*

*30 minutes later*

Tessa: I forgot how cool Las Vegas is!

Chance: Me too!

Tristan: Well I live here most of the time soo. *laughs*

Limo driver: We have arrived!

Chance: Come on Tess!

*they all get out of the limo and see their hotel.*

Chance: This is insane!

Tessa: It's amazing!

Tristan: Jake must've really wanted you guys out of the house. *laughs*

Chance: Thanks Tristan. It was really good seeing you.

Tessa: Yeah. I've missed you!

Tristan: I missed you too Tessles. Me and Alex are going to be down here later. Maybe we can hang out?

Chance: Alex too!

Tessa: Uh of course we are hanging out.

Tristan: Awesome! I'll see you guys later then!

Chance: Bye Tristan!

Tessa: Bye!!

Chance: Now for the best part!

Tessa: What is that?

Chance: Finding chocolate under our pillows! Let's go!

Tessa: *laughs*

Hi everyone! I'm sorry for not updating but I really needed a break from here. I think it was about a month? Maybe less. I've just been so caught up in school, sports, and my social life that I couldn't write anything. So I'm sorry again but I really hope you like the 2nd chapter of this book! Thank you guys for understanding! Remember...




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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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