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I woke up the next morning to Wendy groaning "Did we bring any Advil?" She asked "No clue," I said "I'll be back then," she said leaving the room. I changed into my tights and black skater skirt with my maroon tank top tucked in before Wendy came back and laid down "Did they have medicine?" I asked "No," she said as I slipped my red converse on and my black cardigan. I went and curled my hair and did my makeup before the guys came in as I was finishing up "Ready to go?" Colby asked wrapping his arms around me "Yeah" I said taking a picture of us in the mirror for Snapchat "Ready to go?" Elton asked entering "Yeah," We said

We entered the building where we were going to play with hedgehogs. When I sat down the lady placed one of the small ones in my hands "Smile" Wendy said I smiled as I held him as She took pictures on my phone and Elton filmed me. We played and held them and took pictures of each other with the hedgehogs. When we finished there we began to explore some more. Wendy and I ended up making a Musical.lys to different songs. Wendy convinced me to teach Brennen a dance for the musical.ly. I began to teach him a dance to Sorry not Sorry by Demi Lovato when we got it down we danced for musical.ly while we danced I tripped and almost fell but Brennen caught me "You good?" He asked as I stood up "Yeah" I said "How do you trip in the middle of a dance? Isn't that my job?" Wendy asked as I began to feel nauseous "What's wrong?" Colby asked "We don't know," Wendy said, "Bella what's wrong?" Elton asked "I'm just really Nauseous," I said looking up "Is it bad? Are you going to throw up?" Elton asked "I say we take a break and head back to the hotel for our sake and Bella's sake," Jay said "Alright let's go," Elton said. Once we got back to the hotel I headed over to the bed and laid down.

I ended up napping and feeling better so we headed out to eat. We found the restaurant when Brennen, Jay, and Colby began to play with the robot outside of it, I walked up ahead with Wendy. When we ordered I volunteered to pay since Elton paid for the whole trip once they handed us our number and drinks we headed inside to take a seat to watch the show the guys ended up sitting next to each other. Wendy and I sat next to each other in front of them while we watched and filmed this for our vlog. During the break, Elton began filming "Hey how are you doing?" Colby asked me "I'm doing better," I said as Elton filmed Jay before the show began again and I began filming. I heard Elton cheering behind us as Colby and Brennen joined in every once in a while. We all started laughing when the guy high fived Jay. When the show finished we headed out, Elton came with me so I could pay before we left back to the hotel, And the guys tried to explain what we were just watching. When we were on the train I began to feel sick again I felt Colby rub my back before he told Elton something. We all got off at the next stop and I ran to the restroom with Wendy following behind me as I went and threw up "So it begins" She said handing me a hair tie I put my hair in a bun before washing my mouth out and leaving "Come on we're taking cabs to the hotel" Elton said we all headed up the stairs and went to look for a cab. When we arrived at the hotel I showered and changed into my joggers and tank top before heading to bed.

The next day it started raining so I was in my jeans and My rain jacket along with my converse. I put my hair in a ponytail and did my make up we met up in the guy's rooms. "Here you go," Elton said handing us umbrellas. When we were walking "Hold on, I want to do something I've always wanted to do Colby come on," I said handing Wendy the camera and umbrella "What are we doing," He asked as I joined him under his umbrella "Kissing in the rain," I said smiling. Wendy held the camera up and Colby wrapped his arm around me and kissed me "Got it" Wendy said as we pulled away. When we reached the next location it turned out they were closed, so we ended up walking to Tokyo tower on the walk there it began to pour harder and then the wind picked up too. Causing Jay's umbrella to break but he had a rain jacket in his backpack so he was covered.

When we reached the restaurant I took my jacket off to try and let it dry a bit "Alright how's everyone doing?" Jay asked "We're all good," Wendy said all the guys looked at me "I'm good," I said "No nausea?" Elton asked "It's still there but I'm hungry," I said "Note to self buy Bella medicine" Wendy said

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