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(Pretend these videos together)

Kaycee P.O.V



You are probably thinking why we are yelling.Well it's because... BAILEY FRICKING SOK IS OVERREACTING!! Sorry but it's true!She got a parter to model with.I know it's not that bad right? WRONG

"Bailey it's just a parter for modeling nothing more GOSH!!"

"ITS A BIG PROBLEM BECAUSE...." I'm scared.But then I saw her come close to my ear.Oh No! Help!!


She yelled in my ear so loud I almost felt my ears bleeding.She just left the restroom as quickly as she could.I went behind her and walked straight to Sean.The only thing that would make her happy now is dancing but class doesn't start in like two more hours.

"What's wrong with her?" I turn around and saw Sean looking at Bailey.She was on the floor throwing a tantrum like a three year old.Sigh.Yep that's my best friend.I turn back to Sean.

"She got a modeling partner for the Magazine Stuff.And she's overreacting"

"Well I am going to go before she kills me"

Sean left with a smile.Gosh his dimples are adorable so what?I confess I have a crush on Sean but we have been parters for like almost 6 years.I feel like he thinks we are just friends.

Gabe's P.O.V

I was texting Kenneth.I am the only one that still talks to him.The other probably don't even remember his name.He told me that he was going to surprise everyone else.So I decide to do my part and drag them along with me to Matt's class.

I opened the door and there I saw Tati trying to calm down Bailey who is yelling and kicking on the floor.I tried to ignore that as much as I could and walked toward Matt.

"So when is he showing up?" I asked him

"Well I'm going to do my usual stuff and then say we have a special guest.He is going to walk through the door and then we all gather around him and stuff"

"Ok well that explains everything but that" I say pointing to Bailey still on the floor.

"Well I don't know what happened to her but just stay away for a while"

I finished talking to Matt and told everyone we should start.I told Tati to get Bailey off the
floor.I know I'm sending her the hardest job but she's the only one that's not as scared.

Bailey P.O.V.


You know when your in school and the teacher has to pick your partners?Yeah it's like that but instead of just a day I have this partner for like 2 years or more I don't know?And I don't care.

Tati finally had enough of me because she tied up her long ass hair and pulled me up as much strength as she had but she couldn't.

So what I am the only one that doesn't like anyone and spends her night bing watching tv and eats as much food she has.Like I said it does NOT matter.Its not like I'm a 12 year old Tati that kisses Justin Bieber posters.That just crosses the line!

I finally get my ass up and apologize to Tati.Then I go toward everyone else and start stretching with them.Fefe was playing while we were stretching and we were all singing along.The thing is we are not the best singers😂

We were done stretching and we took a 5 minute break.Then we started talking about having a sleepover.I know that we are a little older but it doesn't really matter.We decided to have tomorrow because we are free then.I was about to say something but then Matt started yelling.


When he said that i thought it was a celebrity.That's what i think everyone thought.


When he said that everyone was yelling.I mean everyone except  Gabe was yelling.So i went over by him and asked him why everyone was yelling.He told me to go by the door.I went by the door and waited for Matt to say who it was.

"IF YOU KNOW WHO IT IS THEN YELL HIS NAME!!" I had no idea who it was so i just listened to to these screaming fans of this guy.


I felt someone knocking on the door (I was pressing against the door) I thought it was someone who was late to class so I let them in.They went in and I went back to going against the door.I got bored so i took out my phone.I saw the same guy who I let in standing in front of me staring at me.

"What do you want stranger?"

"Bailey you don't remember me?"

How does he know my name?Okay never mind that was a stupid question.Is he an old fan or something?

"Who are you?"

"Never mind let Gabe tell you who I am?"

He knows Gabe too?This is weird so i go to Gabe again and ask him who he is.Gabe looked at me with a shocked face.I waved my hand in front of his face.I ave up and went to Kaycee.

"Kaycee can I ask you something?"

"Is it about him?I'm so happy he's back too!"

"I DON'T KNOW WHO THIS KENNETH GUY IS!?" Yeah i kinda lost it there.I looked back at everyone.EVERYONE AND I MEAN EVERYONE looked at me like i was crazy.The same guy who I guess was him took my hand and gave me a hug.

It was weird but then everyone started yelling ..... baiken.I pushed him off and grabbed his hand and took him outside.When we were outside I immediately put my arms across him.He did the same.tears were coming down my face.

"I'm so glad my Best Friend remembers me" he said with a chuckle and tears down his face.

"You promised me that you would come after 1 or 2 years! Its been 4 YEARS!"I slightly punched him and bury my face into his chest.Kenny was my best friend but then he said to had to go visit his family.Then his father died.I hurt me too because he was like the father I didn't have.I was going to visit him but got caught up with all of my work.


Hi guys i'm sorry for not uploding before I was so busy but here is another chapter hope you like it


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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