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Donghyuck flips through the papers. "What's this?"

"Nothing." Johnny grabs the stack and carefully places the sheets back in a folder.

"Just tell me. I'm bored."

"Only ten more minutes. Quit being annoying."

"Fine, Jesus. What's this?" Donghyuck reaches for another manila folder, stapled papers tucked cleanly inside.

"Forms. Donghyuck—" Without looking up from the pen scrawling over his page, Johnny places his free hand over the folder. "Can you be patient for, like, two fucking seconds? I'm almost done, I swear."

"You said that an hour ago."

"It's been maybe fifteen minutes."

"Same thing. I'm bored." Sitting on the edge of Johnny's desk, Donghyuck swings his legs back and forth and watches Johnny scribble out some more words.

"You didn't have to come," Johnny reminds him, pausing for a moment and absentmindedly clicking his pen before writing again.

"But I wanted to see." Donghyuck experimentally taps the edge of the crystal vase kept on Johnny's desk. Inside are various flowers, fresh, no more than a day or two old. "I really thought it would be more fun. You know, seeing how the cash flows in. The gears of the working world and the modern economy and shit."

"Then get a damn job."

Donghyuck laughs. It's a bright sound that echoes far too loud in the quiet building, probably heard out in the halls. "You're funny, man. Good one."

Johnny chuckles, shaking his head. "One day I'll dump your ass and you'll have nowhere to go."

"Please." Donghyuck scoffs. "I'll just find some other sorry fuck to accommodate me. It's not that hard. I got you in—what, two weeks? Not even?"

"Psh. What do you mean you 'got me'?"

"You know. Got you." Donghyuck shrugs and lifts a hand to flick at a strand of Johnny's intentionally tousled hair, the typical "professional look" that he wears to work. Some days it takes him almost an hour to style, and Donghyuck finds a small pleasure in making fun of him for being so gay about it.

Johnny's still jotting down messy words in black ink, although he occasionally pauses to look up at Donghyuck and respond. "I don't know about you, but I remember it taking months for you to 'get me'."

"Nah." Donghyuck waves it off. "You're just getting old. I was already staying at your place after a few months, remember?"

"Bullshit. You were scared of staying over for the longest time 'cause you were afraid I'd find out about your tail and horns and all that."

And all that. Donghyuck snorts, thinking back to the time when Johnny had found out about his self-lubrication. Which he took the slightest bit better than he had the tail and horns, though not by much.

"No way. We were so quick about that. I remember you handled it really well too—or better than some other people, at least."

Johnny begins to argue, but Donghyuck interrupts him.

"There's no way you'd remember it right. Nothing beats a demon's brain."

"Half demon. Don't oversell yourself, sweetheart."

"Not my point." Donghyuck kicks out a leg and knocks his foot against Johnny's cushy office chair, spinning it a bit. "You were such a bitch for me, you remember?" He sighs, almost sweetly reminiscent.

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