moving on

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Jake: It's been 3 years since I've seen Joey. I wonder how he's been I wonder if he remembers me...~he sighed~ probably not... Last time we talked I chickened out and left...


Jake: Hey Joey I need to tell you something...

Joey: okay? Tell me?

Jake: Joey I know we havnt known each other that long but I-

*Joeys friend Sarah walks in*

Sarah: Joey c'mon I have to go and you promised you'd walk me home ~Sarah grabbed joeys arm and pulled on it~

Joey: Okay I'll walk you home but Jake was about to tell me something.

Jake: uh oh I uh ~he blushes slightly and looked down at his feet~

Joey: something wrong?

Jake: uh no I'll tell you later ~he quickly rushed out the door~

Joey: Wait jake!!

Sarah: Joey just c'mon ~ she pulled on his arm more~

Joey: okay fine fine. ~he jerked his arm loose and walked out with Sarah~

-flash back over-

Jake: I did like him. ~he smiled softly~ he was a cutie ~his phone starts to ring~ hmm who could that be. ~he looked down at his phone~ oh Emily ~he answered quickly~ Hello love

Emily: Hey Babe where are you?

Jake: oh I'm in the apartment

Emily: well you should be at bucca de pepo

Jake: that was tonight?

Emily: yes that was tonight my parents are already here hurry up! ~Emily hung up~

Jake: oh great job Jake you forgot about dinner ~ he grabbed his keys and drove to bucca de pepo~

Emily: Jake there you are ~she kissed his cheek~ we've been waiting for you

Jake: so I've heard. ~he sat down and they ordered~

Emily's mom: so Jake why were you late?

Jake: oh traffic was bad

Emily's mom: oh

~everyone got quiet shortly after they're food arrived they all ate they're dinner and started to leave~

Emily's parents: Well it was good seeing you two

Emily and Jake: you too

~Emily's parents leave~

Emily: Jake why didn't you mention it!

Jake: I thought you told them

Emily: well I did but that was a while ago they don't even know when were getting married

Jake: well I'll call them later

Emily: no you already fucked it up.

~Emily left and went to her apartment and Jake went to his~

~Jake walked in his apartment and picked up his kitten "iris"~

Jake: Hey there~

~iris nuzzled into his cheek and he kissed her forehead and set her down before undressing and going to bed~

-a week later-

( Jake got a job at an office)

~Jake arrived at the office 4 minutes early hoping he would get to talk to the people that worked there. He walked in~

Jake: Hello

Hello~ said a familiar voice~

Jake- J-Joey ~he gasped slightly~

Joey: Hello Jake ~he handed jake a few papers and showed him to his desk-

Jake: Joey do you remember me? ~Jake regretted asking that although he had been wanting to ask him that since he heard his voice~

Joey: Who could forget ~he chuckled slightly~

Jake: I havnt seen you since high school...

Joey: Yeah w- -he was interrupted by a man who walked in-

Hello Babe -the man kissed Joeys cheek-

Joey: hello Max

Max: who's this? I'm guessing He's new

Jake: Hi ~he shyly waved~

Joey: oh yes this is actually his first day.

Max: Welcome Jake. -he turned to look at jake for a few seconds then turned back to Joey- I have to get back to work I'll see you later

Joey: okay see you soon.

Jake: he seems nice...

Joey: Yes he's a nice person. Very good at what he does and more... -blushed slightly realizing what he had said- anyway you should get to work don't want to get fired on your first day.

Jake: oh well it was nice seeing you again.

To be continued~

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