The end.

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~they arrived back at Matthews house~
Matthew: Jake why would you leave? ~grabs jakes wrist and takes Jake into jakes room~
Jake: why wouldn't I leave and ow that hurts!
matthew: ... ~opens jakes room and take the cat out of jakes arms and set it on the floor~
Iris: Mew ~runs off and explores~
Jake: what if she gets Los- ~matthew starts to kiss him~
Matthew: ~shuts door with foot and kisses Jake then pushes him into the bed~
Jake: Matthew no! >\\\< ~I tryed to push him off but he's stronger then he looks.~
Matthew: Jake I'm sorry to do this but I missed you and this. ~Matthews rips off Jakes pants~
Jake: Matthew stop! ~wiggles around trying to get loose~
Matthew: ~nips jakes neck and pulls off his boxers~
Jake: I don't want this! ~whimpers slightly~
Matthew: ~stops for a minute~ you never did and now your making a big deal out of it?
Jake: I thought that if I didn't make a big deal out of it or thought of it as much it would become I would start to accept it...
Jake: im sorry Matthew...~puts boxers on and pants~
Matthew: ~sits there and watches jake~
~Jake shuts the door and leaves~

~Matthew had never wanted any of this to happen. In Fact the day he had first layed eyes on Jake he had liked him. Matthew just took it too far. And he regrets it. If he hadn't used Jake and just come on to him so strong maybe Jake would have fallen in love with him.~

~Jake never thought this would happen to him on his whole entire life. If you had asked him what he thought he'd be doing with his life before Matthew happened. Well let's just say his answer wouldn't be anywhere close to this. Not to mention Jake hates Matthew. Matthew took Jake's life away. He ruined it all. What did he do to deserve all this? ~

* Well guys. It's over.. Sorry I just wanted to finish this book. And I decided why not end it now so sorry it sucks.*

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